Source Code

Brown balls

When you are giving a girl anal then she splatter farts and it goes down your dick and coats your bills brown

When bestie and I were going doggy style she splatter farted and have me brown balls

by Undatedshrimp January 4, 2016

Brown Midas

A person whose touch, rather than turning everything to gold, turns everything to shit.

"How the hell does that guy stay in a job? He relentlessly heads up shit pile after shit pile."

"No idea mate. Proper brown midas going on there."

by rhythmjunky February 11, 2013

The brown tower

A terraria house consisting of many wooden NPC houses aranged ontop of each other so as to make a wooden tower.

What?! Everyone on this server is amazing at building. How don't they just end up with the brown tower

by Kukkija the Cookie Jar April 7, 2020

Brown Billy

A variation of the Wet Willy in which a person jams their finger inside of their rectum and then proceeds to wipe it on another person's ear.

Damnnnnn bro! You see that brown billy that sofia gave kyle? Disgusting....

by SourSam September 22, 2016

Brown Wizard

A wicked man of ancient folk-lore believed to pray victim to those who squatted over a chamber pot for more than 5 minutes. The legend of the Brown Wizard is both fascinating and startling in the way of his practices. Once he finds the unsuspecting crowcher, he then extends his hand into a space-shit-time continuum, reaching out from the chamber pot and relieving men's souls thru the anal cavity.

I’d like to spend more time in the bathroom, but I can feel the Brown Wizard has his gaze focusing on my Eye of Sauron...

by The Cartogropher February 15, 2014

Reggie Brown

An awful grade of shwag marijuana , that is often times brown in color, and tastes like shit.

i wanted to get some droski from my dealer, but all he had was some reggie brown

by Quizake December 22, 2011

Browned myself

Browning yourself:

#1 craping yourself. laying shit in your trousers. drop a loaf of shit in your pants.

#2 scared the crap out of yourself.

#3 so amazed you shit yourself.

ever had one of those times from out of nowhere you have to make a monster doo? I had one of those the other day while I was organizing boxes at my storage unit, and with no place to go I thought I was going to brown myself until I scavenged some napkins out of the taco sacks in my car, pulled the door shut on the unit and went to browntown in an empty moving box. talk about a moving experience.

Then, after busting a loaf I about browned myself again when the door on the unit wouldn't open. All I could imagine was the look on some chaps face in the morning when they show up and let me out with my box of deux.

by thespecialedge February 2, 2011