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Carmen Silvera

A very beautiful and talented actress who portrayed Madame Edith in the well-loved 80's sitcom 'Allo 'Allo! She is famed for her big and extravegent hats: usually with huge feathers on them! She was often seen singing out-of-tune as the CafΓ© cabaret act in 'Allo 'Allo! and said herself she didn't have to act when it came to singing! She sadly passed away following a battle with Lung Cancer on the 3rd of August 2002. I will always love her for her work and she will always be my all-time favourite actress. Missing you forever, Carmen <3

Carmen Silvera aka Edith Artois from 'Allo 'Allo! who is famed for her singing skills :)

by Obbsessed with 'Allo 'Allo! <3 April 4, 2013

25πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Carmen Erectra

A glamourous model with titties and an ass so hot you’ll get erections just looking at her, hence her last name.

Gregory: What are you looking up in the internet.
Ben: I’m looking up Carmen Erectra, she’s HOT!

by gregben August 28, 2021

Carmen Winstead

Total bullshit that people actually believe

Man the Postafanaryism is just like Carmen Winstead

by The realist 22 January 8, 2009

199πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

carmen winsted

ok, so these girls on myspace made up a story about a girl who got pushed in a sewer, and haunts people
but the story isnt true
in the story the girl who got pushed in the sewer by her high school class mates to embarras her during a fire drill is carmen winsted
dont be freaked out by this story because it isnt true, you can look it up on google, and it will say that it isnt true

girl: did you get that buletin on myspace about carmen winsted
boy: yeah, did you repost it?
girl: yeah i dont want her to kill me !! did you?
boy: i didnt, that stuff is just a load of shit, the urban dictionary says so !

by Briannabobana November 21, 2007

338πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

carmen electra

Uber-hottie (even gay men would do her).

Dave Navarro hit that shit.

MTV's ratings went up 4000% when they put that show on with Carmen Electra.

by Davezor January 28, 2004

646πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž

carmen good

Term used to describe something that is so
good, that nothing else compares.

Wow, that mac n cheese is carmen good.

by bigstamen March 16, 2009

31πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

carmen electra

A hot sexy babe who any red blooded male would want to please. I'd give my life to suck her off and make her cum in my mouth. She is simply the most beautiful and sexy babe in the world.

Carmen Electra is a babe.

by RebelINS June 29, 2004

916πŸ‘ 322πŸ‘Ž