βThe fuck? I ainβt ugly! Do you want a Glasgow Kiss?!β
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Two-razor blades taped at one end, with a matchstick stuck in the middle so the two blades seperate, to form a shape similar to this: <. The instrument is then used to slice the face of the victim, leaving thick, pasta-like strands of flesh, that will most definitly scar.
Dylan gave a Glasgow Smile to the stupid bitch.
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Common sexual practise in the Glasgow area whereby two males (one or both of which may or may not be dead to begin with) have their mouths defecated in by a third before being strung up by the feet and decapitated. The third male then has sex with both severed heads while lying beneath the blood showers of the first two bodies.
Alan: Fancy a bum?
Christopher: No, sorry, I'm exhausted after I participated in a Glasgow Cobbler this morning.
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A party where the host invites you to take care of yourself as long as you stay away from him. Coined by Craig Ferguson.
I went over to Shauna's, but it was like a Glasgow orgy, so I left quick.
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Glasgow Coma Score, or Glasgow Coma Score. A scoring system to determine a person's level of consciousness. A score of 15 is determined by eye movement, verbal skills and the person's motor skills and reaction to pain. Published in the University of Glasgow. The Paediatric GCS, or PGCS is used for children under 36 months.
Paramedic: Approx. 23 year old John Doe, found unconscious in the road. Head lac and possible tib fib fracture. BP is 90 systolic, Glasgow Coma Scale was 6 at the scene, now 12.
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Despite being in the same city, this place is like a different country from Glasgow's east end. Where the population of homosexuals, english people, posh people and people who ride bycycles outweighs that of the east end tenfold. A place which frowns upon things which are acceptable to do in the east end, e.g spitting in publc and drinking beer from a can. People here also display behaviours which are alien in the east. This includes, 2 grown men sharing umbrellas, and wearing dress shoes out in public without socks. The residents here are also significantly better off than the working-class eastenders, and so they send their children to a variety of private schools in the west so that they feel more important. People from Edinburgh feel more at home here due to the preference of strange sports like rugby instead of football. Eastenders feel out of place in the west due to the significantly different dress sense and drinking habbits, not to mention they must learn a new language by discarding their east end dialect to speak propper english.
An eastender jumped on a number 62 bus heading to the West End of Glasgow. On arrival he took one look at the place, and went back home.
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The act of dowsing one's pubic hair with scotch whisky and setting alight. Mentiond by Willy in The Simpsons s13e07 "It burns like a Glascow Bikini Wax!"
Duncan: "So did you get her to go for a Brazilian Wax?"
Malcom: "Nah, but I did the next best thing. After the bar she passed out by the toilet so I grabbed the whiskey and Zippo and let it rip..."
Duncan: "A Glasgow Bikini Wax?!...Rude"
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