The place where you learn everything you know about everything.
Also the place where good people become corrupt.
I learned everything I know about everything from Urban Dictionary!
I became corrupt after clicking random several times on Urban Dictionary!
50๐ 12๐
1. The Wikipedia of slang
2. A site with the most annoying T-Shirt ads on record
3. A good idea gone wrong, thanks to the many stupid assed and sexually inexperienced people make up a random combination of words and think of the most disturbing sexual acts they can possibly imagine
1. Urban Dictionary is Wikitionary in disguise
2. If no one repsonds to the BustedTees ads on Urban Dictionary, what make you think anyone will give Spreadshirt a second look?
3. Refer to the 2nd definition of Urban Dictionary
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A website designed specifically for people to submit definitions of things written in their own words, whether it be modern slang or otherwise. Let's face it though, nearly everyone who knows about Urban Dictionary knows that 90% of it's definitions are sexual, and those that aren't are likely either racism, retarded trends, or the names of the user's classmates. Many deem this site immature, and "dominated by 10 year olds", and while not 100% true, right to some degree. I mean, the level of vulgar things on here is exponential, and so is the thrill of all the sick fucks who post them, and I myself posted my first definition as an aspiring 10 year old. But as an Urban Dictionary user, I don't hate it, I merely find amusement in the oddity of UD's grand archive, as well as many of UD's exaggerated stereotypes. Too many people seem to assimilate Urban Dictionary with some kind of a hellhole, or a shady ally where a mass of drug dealers hang out, but this is rather exaggerated; Urban Dictionary is more like a crowded bar with drunk people that party like animals, hell, Urban Dictionary is paradise city compared to websites like Twitter and that gas chamber TikTok! But I digress, to say that I'm some kind of exception to the weirdness that controls the mind of a UD user would be like saying that climate change doesn't exist.
I mean, look at my definitions: foick, order 69, dongademon... The top definition of "TITTIES" was made by ME! Just another sick fuck on Urban Dic! So no, I'm definitely not an exception, and people who hate me (and other Urban Dics) just for being a UD user who contributes to that golden 90% are morons. Anyway, I could write a library on this topic, but unfortunately if I recall correctly, Urban Dictionary has a new character limit, so I'll have to stop here.
-Yours truly; Just Another Sick Fuck On Urban Dictionary
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Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World." The website was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham.
Me: Urban Dictionary is really nice! ( mean girls reference)
Urban dictionary: I know right? (still mean girls reference)
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Originally used to find meanings of everything (ex. Advanced, Cliche, Paranormal, Synopsis) but now a place where everybody dump their meanings for words.
Ex: Old UrbanDictionary
Define: Extraordinary
very unusual or remarkable.
"the extraordinary plumage of the male"
synonyms: remarkable, exceptional, amazing, astonishing, astounding, marvellous, wonderful, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, spectacular; More
(of a meeting) specially convened.
"an extraordinary session of the Congress"
Ex: New UrbanDictionary
Define: Extraordinary
1. Something so awesome it makes you explode
"Man that gold is so extraordinary!"
2. A big fat piece of idiots.
Son: "I will learn the meaning of..... Irrelevant!"
*searches Irrelevant meaning*
Son: Yes, Urban Dictionary!
*Urban Dictionary's top meaning for Irrelevant*
1. Not needed and also a place to die lolololo
"Wait your Irrelevant <3"
*shows a bad pic*
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Website in which people who place definitions are required to be waited on for approval.
Person 1: Do you have an Urban Dictionary account?
Person 2: No.
Person 1: Why?
Person 2: Why waste my time writing meaningless definitions, only to be waited on by some random people who are biased, who believe that contributing to this ludicrously inappropriate website requires some sort of approval?
Person 1: Well.
A place where no one votes for my definitions
Fuck shit you bastards let this in to urban dictionary