An inebriated individual that gets handsy with their work mates at an end of year work function. A pest is not gender specific, they may be male or female but are still equal amounts of annoying.
Pest : Its ok you love it.
Victim : Piss off you pest, stop touching my nipples.
A rabbit.
Every member of PETA
A rat.
A mouse.
A few birds, excluding birds of prey and songbirds.
Guy: *sees rabbit* Are you here to be a pest again... You know what, fuck it, let's bust out the 22lr.
A term for a friend you love dearly, but they can drive you crazy.
Ryan Sweeney. The biggest pest you will ever meet, absolute menace doesn’t know his limits for anything. Will happily do anything for $15.
Gee whiz, that blokes a bit of a Ryan Sweeney (pest) isn’t he…
used to describe anyone that is cheeky grrr
you are such a pest!!
i know you pestie hoe