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My brother!

"Boi, get off away from me your a pest!"

by hehehehi April 2, 2018



god, kelsey is such a pest

by craigracer May 28, 2022


An inebriated individual that gets handsy with their work mates at an end of year work function. A pest is not gender specific, they may be male or female but are still equal amounts of annoying.

Pest : Its ok you love it.
Victim : Piss off you pest, stop touching my nipples.

by soreTechoNips November 11, 2020


A rabbit.
Every member of PETA
A rat.
A mouse.
A few birds, excluding birds of prey and songbirds.

Guy: *sees rabbit* Are you here to be a pest again... You know what, fuck it, let's bust out the 22lr.

by PI55 September 2, 2018


A term for a friend you love dearly, but they can drive you crazy.

She is a pest, but my pest.”

by mysteryygal April 14, 2023


Ryan Sweeney. The biggest pest you will ever meet, absolute menace doesn’t know his limits for anything. Will happily do anything for $15.

Gee whiz, that blokes a bit of a Ryan Sweeney (pest) isn’t he…

by Chickenparma_69mushroomsauce January 27, 2022


used to describe anyone that is cheeky grrr

you are such a pest!!
i know you pestie hoe

by grrrXDpest July 11, 2021