1. Exclamation (informal): An immediate reaction of surprised disgust or avoidance to a situation or person, especially when referring to failed (or ongoing) relationship.
2. Noun: The immediate reaction of disgust or avoidance.
1. "OH my god Tiffany, the night was going so well until he whipped out his soggy hotdog and told me to add the mustard"
"I know right?"
"Fuck that guy."
2. "Tiffany, I hope your zoop scared the shit out of him and packed that sausage away."
"Why do you keep saying, 'zoop'? What the hell is a zoo-"
For something to be higher than one's ability to understand or handle.
I was trying to explain that issue to her, but ZOOP, right over her head.
Being or going through a zoop is a mental state where your brain turns into a chaotic ball of emotions because you can't decide if you actually love someone or if youre just losing your grip on reality. Its when you feel like your body and brain are fighting each other on whether or not you love or hate this person.
I cant tell if I actually love them!
Sounds like youre going through a zoop..
the action of masturbating until the bed around you is filled with sweat and bodily fluid, similar to gooning or edging!
dude I was up all night Zooping it!
A zoop doop defined as a legendary Australian
Who is the true meaning of australia
Sort of like a vsco girl but think of them like an aussie version of that
"Pop a couple of cold ones with the boys whilst eating anzac bikkies and dipping them in milo whilst eating spoonfuls of vegemite
And eating a zooper dooper"
If that is you you are being defined as a zoop doop
Zoop scooping is the art of a group of men ejaculating onto a hard surface and leaving it to dry. Once dry, rat poison is inserted into the pee hole in preparation for moisturizing the semen. Once pissed on, the men will scoop up the rat poison covered piss semen with their toes. All the men then suck each others toes with intent of consuming the piss poisoned semen. Zoop scooping can me used as a method of self-harm or suicide.
Oh man what an awful week… you guys wanna go zoop scooping tonight?
Being extremely drunk, high or generally inebriated. Typically used to deceive someone who is acting extremely intoxicated after drinking alcohol or doing drugs.
Timmy ate 3 edibles and chugged two bottles of wine.
Timmy is zooped.