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self spankery

Self spankery is the act of a lonely fuck boy that lacks a following of "hoes" and has to spank himself in light of not getting booty

Guy1: Have you heard Chris is experimenting with self spankery?

Guy2: I'm not surprised, we should have seen this coming.

by FlaccidPeelz November 30, 2015

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Occurs at the end of a night of heavy drinking after you've emptied your stomach in the toilet and rested your head on the toilet seat. It happens as you doze off and accidentally fall forward, touching your head to the toilet water and startling yourself awake. Often combined with confessions of drinking too much and outrageous promises of never drinking again.

Man, I fell asleep on the toilet and self-waterboarded sometime in the middle of the night. My nose was blue from the toilet cleaner when I got up.

by Andrew5544 April 1, 2008

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self chill

Being chill and at peace with yourself and who you are.

I like to recharge in my room after a long day out, soaking up my favorite tunes and doing some self chill.

by JonnyAppleSemenation January 23, 2018

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Self Serve

Self Serve Sexual Pleasure When Wife/Husband Is Away

Well, The Other Half Is Away, Time For A Self Serve Episode

by The V ONE 2nd To None November 8, 2016

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Self determination

The ability for a nation or people to decide their own sovereign status. This ability is granted to nations only when the United States determines that it has nothing to gain or too much to lose by invading and/or instilling a coup. Subject to change at any time.

Did you see the thing about Australia?

Yeah, yeah. It's such a shame when a country gets its self determination revoked.

Crazy, isn't it? And not even a month after they found that massive oil deposit.

by not a badger April 3, 2018

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The term single people use to tell everyone that the are not looking for anyone special or are off the hook.

Eg- So what's your relationship status?
I'm self-parterned

by Peppergum November 5, 2019

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self brutalation

When a person is constantly getting injured, under their own power or their own fault...aka clumsy.

Kim is always falling and hurting herself. She is a prime example of self brutalation....

by timscookie February 3, 2010

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