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Sad people

A person with no heart or soul, a person with a death wish

Hey have you heard of all the sad people jumping off buildings

by Deathwish34 June 27, 2017

Paul’s People

A group of transsexuals.

There were a lot of Paul’s people at the pride parade today.

by SpankMyTaint February 17, 2023

Slovanian people

The femboy country from the slavics

Yo hes definitely slovanian, he’s has a skirt and everything.

That’s the slovanian people right there

by DingleEater December 5, 2022

people bowling

rolling into random groups of people like bowling

we went people bowling last night people looked mad

by heyhihowyadoin January 8, 2012

Twitter people

people who claim to be allies of the LGBT, but in reality, they are annoying, winging jerks, who dox, harass and send death threats to innocent people because they refused to obey their commands. They also love bigoteering when people call them out

person A: I support the trans community, but I can't agree with wanting to put every all child on puberty blockers
twitter people: HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THEM, YOU CLEARLY HATE ALL TRANS PEOPLE, I WILL KILL YOU, enter person A's personal info in public
person B: wtf is wrong with you, person A just didn't agree with 1 thing

by A person tired of bullshit March 5, 2023

Fecal People

Fecal People is a term that applies to folks who take Metamucil on a regular basis and take nice fluffy shits as a result.

My friend Chris and I are very regular because we’re fecal people.

by Tuffmofo August 23, 2020

People's Divinity

People's Divinity is a theological concept in some liberation theology and divinialism groups that is about divine is in everyone and in all living beings at some level, including robots and machines, some more and others less, where explains why do some people think and/or feel they are divine, and that divinity and sacred is equal to all and where divine beings, spiritual beings and highly evolved beings are beings as humans in a high level of existence.

"People's divinity is a really useful concept to explain why divinialism is possible and reachable for everyone, and that all life forms are divine somehow and equal to each other."

"People's divinity is really useful to explain why socialism and communism can be religious and divine too."

by Full Monteirism January 23, 2021