A hot ass girl (teenage slang)
“Omg girl slay super slut!👅🤪”
When you going super sayian god in a girl cheeks till the point where she can’t walk
Aye son you know tamia, yeah son I was slaying them cheeks last night
When you going Super sayian god in a girl so bad that she can’t walk
Aye son you know tamia, yea I was slaying them cheeks last nights
when something is just not slaying the way that it should slay
my boyfriend cheated on me, bad slay
A light slay is when your not doing a full on slay but you are still slaying enough that you are the most slay in any in building you walk in.
“Hey Carolina is it giving light slay?”
“Yeah just a light slay.”
when your high you say yu are slaying
"damn you slaying ?"
"I'm slaying rn"