The smart one among a group of idiots.
The one-eyed king is teaching them to boil water
A skank, a girl who gets cream all over her face on a daily basis.
youze a skanky smelly ass frost eyed having ass motha fuckah.
When someone gives you a rude look
someone dirt eyed me yesterday all day
this language is a dialect of burma, it means ''Do you want to suck my dick''
''You and a girl making out''
You: Ka zuzu/zang na ei tu maw?''
Getting a money shot in the eye from a well do to african american. Even more profound if said african american is wearing a Cosby Sweater
Once in college I dated this black guy and he gave me a one-eyed huckstable. I should have felt ashamed, but I actually enjoyed it.
When a girl's nipples point in opposite directions resembling a crazy eye.
Shes hot but she has some crazy eyed tits
Fat person with a wog eye, typically from a Mexican descent
Did you see Antonio the other day, that fog eyed guy