The most FUCKING SUPIRIOR YUMMY DIVINE men on this planet they make me wet and scream
"The hottest men Dario x Ali".
The sexiest moroccan ever seen, he is as hot as sweet , and too cool to hate you, caring and lose interest easily , he likes spending time with his friends ,Gets to much ass because bitches like his huge dick 😩.
Chilliest and funniest person , Doesn’t need to be in love too fuck ,But still can fuck ur mom and ur grandma.
Can’t even imagine how hard is to not be a mohamed ali
First president of the unified Yemen from 18 July 1990 - 27 February 2012, He also allied with the Houthis but resigned and got assasinated by a Houthi. Was also the last president of Northern Yemen
Man im so tired of Ali Abdullah Saleh! We will overthrow his regime!
Indian programmer and good husband, but not necessary
he is ali sufali
probably better then u and is handsome
he is so ali dobashi then u
Someone who opens the chat 5 seconds and leaves for 5 years
Seth : “where were you gone , I graduated already “
Sam : “I put my phone on silent”
Seth :” expected from you abu ali”