Used to describe virginity. Inspired by the Japanese manga "Loveless," where humans are born with feline ears as well as tails (males and females alike). After having sexual intercourse, their ears and tails fall off. It is used as a sign of purity and innocence.
No, I've never had sex. Still have my cat ears and tail, as they would say.
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When someone says something completely normal or innocent and you hear something twisted and sex related. Also know as PES.
Person 1: Dude? Did you just say something about pleasuring yourself?
Person 2: Um, no... I said I forgot my socks?
Person 1: Oh shit dude, I must have PES.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Perverted Ear Syndrome.
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Amazing independent music store on Bardstown Road in Louisville, Kentucky. Supporters of Keep Louisville Weird and has many free instore concerts.
I bought this at ear-x-tacy
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When a loud YouTube ad comes on unexpectedly during an otherwise pleasant ASMR video. The scariest thing about ASMR videos are the ads; you never know when they are coming and how loud they'll be . It's like being raped by someone you trust.
ASMRSafeSpaceLady: Do you like when I touch your ears?
PTSD Survivor: Wow this is so relaxing and therapeutic
Unexpected Toyota Ad: WHOA OH, OH OH, OH OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PTSD Survivor: OMG Ear Date Rape. Whyyy? I trusted you!*passes out; ears bleeding*
During the winter months, when you take a dump on a fat chick's stomach and try to burry your dick into her naval (like a rabbit trying to burrow in a muddy hole). Your ejaculation simulates the melting of the snow, which allows the dirty rabbit (your shit covered cock) to then burrow in a dryer, more suitable burrow for the Spring (AKA the girl's ear canal). During the Spring burrowing process, you are giving the girl a dirty rabbit ear.
My girlfriend shrunk my favorite sweater so I gave her a dirty rabbit ear.
(a phrase denoting) not naรฏve or simple-minded; smart.
Those who are dry behind the ears can make headway in the world.
I can't hear you cuz I gots the ear butter, yo.
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