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Donut of the Day

Also known as DOTD, donut of the day is a competition held on school trips, although predominatly skiing trips. Where the group nominate someone who has done something stupid on the previous day, for the award of donut for that particular day. Although mainly used for stupidity, be it verbal or physical, great stacks can also result in being nominated DOTD.

The person nominated DOTD wears a high visibility vest for the day, with the words 'Donut of the Day' clearly visable, and below this a list of the weeks winners and their instances of stupidity.

At the end of the holiday, a 'Donut of the Week/Trip' may be awarded, from the previous winners, with the overall winner keeping the vest.

You should have seen what Phil did earlier, it was Donut of the Day worthy.

by AM24 February 17, 2008

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Pink donut

1. During intercourse, one party volunteers to have frosting spread onto and around his or her anus. Then, the other party licks all of the frosting off and out of said anus.
2. Alternatively, a pink donut can simply be performed when a man ejaculates onto a woman’s asshole.

β€œMike, can we do a pink donut tonight?”
β€œEw, Jenny, I don’t want to put my (tongue/penis) anywhere near your ass!”

by swagumydude February 21, 2018

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rip her donut

When a girl loses her anal virginity.

"Shannon totally got her donut ripped by leah."

"Yeah I totally wanted to rip her donut"

by rainbowlaces October 1, 2016

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Cream filled donut

A cream filled donut is when a male cums in a woman’s vagina and it makes her feel all warm and tingly inside. A woman that is a cream filled donut is super nasty and loves that warm feeling of ejaculation inside then from a male.

Ciara said Tom filled her up like a cream filled donut.

by Jayla 1229 July 14, 2019

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boston cream donut

When a guy cums in a girl's asshole after anal sex

Stacey wanted a nice treat after fucking Roy so he gave her a boston cream donut.

by jordan157 April 14, 2008

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Magic Donut

a device a girl can put inside her pussy so when a unsuspecting guy tries to fuck her, his cock is torn to shreds.

Girl: There was this douche who kept hitting on me, so I went to bed with him yesterday.
Girl2: seriously?
Girl: yeah, but he doesn't know I'm bringing my magic donut with me!
Girl2: hahahah, sweet! *highfive!*

by gorugora April 25, 2010

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krispy kreme donut

A fat white girl.

Guy 1: You see that girl across the room?
Guy 2: Man she be a krispy kreme donut.

by 116584 January 15, 2018

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