When you stuff yo nuts in a girls ass and she diarrhea shits them out
Yo bro I was at the New York Holocaust museum and I got a diarrhea doo doo nigga balls in the bathroom.
The Portuguese pin bill is a very complex form of sex that involves taking a golf ball and hitting it up the anus and play pinball with the woman's organs.
Yo you should've seen it, I got the Portuguese pin ball high score on Martha last night!
When an alfa-male is having sexual intercourse with his female while her red velvet is in bloom and his sweaty balls are slapping her fany pack , creating an image similar to that , of a gourmet meatballs with tomato sauce.
We had aballs gourmet with my wife yesterday, we had to change the mattress today.
When you shoot like shit, but still make the ball
I called the corner, but marcus balled it in the side
When you wrap your balls around another mans dick and then proceed to jerk him off.
Last night Dave and I played the tether ball, he loved it.
A mixture of the phrases 'put hair on your chest' and 'grow some balls' and maybe the phrase 'put hair on your balls' numerous phrases to emphasise the need to grow up, or be brave or strong. Also a mockery of chesticles as putting balls on your chest would mean growing breasts in theory
Drink this it will put balls on your chest
An expression as, "forget the past" or "being too skeptical"
Shut up and lose the crystal ball already!!!