Jizzing on each ass cheek and making smoothie out of the swamp ass
I want to milk syrup my nephew so badddd
A measurement of time determined by the expiry date of milk in your fridge. Used to illustrate how close a particular event is. As the event draws closer, the expiry dates on the milk gradually change until the expiry date is after the date of the event, and is thus within 'milk range'.
Oh man, that final exam is now within milk range. Better study up.
When you absolutely slam a glass of milk and you get that sightly uncomfortable aftertaste in your mouth for a good minute.
"Bro do you have any gum? I'm suffering from milk mouth right now."
A coolidiculous or offensive word, depending on the situation, for a bi racial, or perceived to be biracial, personal.
Don't call anyone a coffee with milk if you know they might get offended
Asain milk that is like sweet and sour chicken
I drank some Kari Milk yesterday and it tasted like sweet and sour chicken
The milk produced by a nursing mother after she's had a drink or two at happy hour. Thus making the baby tired when it nurses.
I can't wait for happy hour today. Baby's getting some drowsy milk tonight!
a replacement for therapy, it makes the pain go away
Ashley: you need therapy
Cara: nahh, i got chocky milk