Source Code


Retarded person on the internet who spams you with the entire alphabet, either correct or not, ending it with Z.
It can also refer to people who mis-spell almost every word or every other word and add or replace a letter with Z for no apparent reason. Most of these people can be found on common sites like Myspace, Gaiaonline, Youtube, or any other large site that can show local text by the public.
Most are doing it just to annoy you.
Others are just that stupid.

Today, I was going on Myspace to check my messages when I found the most ridiculous Z-tard that I almost commited genocide.

by Shinzo November 10, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

hunterXhunter tard

a hunterXhunter Tard is a person who thinks HXH is the best anime ever and calls it a "masterpiece"

most of them are girls or 11 years old kids who have a killua profile on discord, instagram etc...
they also don't want to watch anything else than hxh because they think there isn't any better than it but there is a lot better than this trash anime

some girls also have a crush for a character named hisoka aka ( the biggest pedo in anime (more than orochimaru)) a clown that looks at kids but and gets horny when he sees them
they also call themselves weebs but they aren't even considered as an "otaku"

a normal anime fan : hey dude did you see the new trailer of the Attack on Titan season 4?
hxh tard : attack on titan? ewww that's lame I only watch hunterXhunter it's the best anime ever

the normal anime fan : hunterxhunter tard smh

by aflithyweeb September 6, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person, usually over the age of 50, who doesn't know how to use the Internet.

My dad doesn't get e-mail. He's an e-tard.

by juxtaposer March 12, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fruit Tard

A frutiy retard see also fruit tart
a stipid gay retard,a silly faggot
a person with no common sense concering how or why certain things they say or do may be considered to be gay.

get the fuck of me you fukin fruit tard!
a guy watching a football game who says somethin like -why are thier pants so tight?- is an example of some one asking a stipid and gay question

by the shiesty one October 12, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


An electronic retard.

Stan: I was talking with Randy online last night and he was being a fucking e-tard. He kept sending me links to tubgirl, and other things of that nature. It really struck a chord in one of my major nerve cells.

Carl: Yeah, I bet he's gonna go e-metro soon. Give him time.

by Ian of the Rockin' Moraccans February 27, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

E tarded

Being fucked up on ectasy

"Man i was e tarded that night"

by Lilibuggs May 10, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

tard cart

2. a broke-down shopping cart with bent wires and/or at least one improperly functioning wheel

"Take this tard cart back and get a better one"

by brett February 10, 2005

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