The act of knocking over an entire display of sperm samples onto one's self on a Monday and not washing for one week
Dude, this chick pulled of a Boston Monday it was awesome.
A red light with no one around.
I was at the corner, waiting for the light then it became a Boston green light (vrooooooom)(bang) (ouch)
Is a handsome boy who every girl loves. But is a short king but will turn out 6.5ft
Boston Chamberlain is so cute
You take a Tim Hortons Boston cream donut takeout the cream and bust a nut in to the donut and then put the donut cream on your dick and put it in to someones ass and eat the cum filled donut.
"hey there doing a Boston double cream"
"What's that"
'It's gay guys eating a cum filled donut and fucking each other's ass with the cream from a donut"
The act of smoking a cigarette in a vehicle with the windows rolled up.
My mom used to put me in a Boston sauna on long road trips.
When two guys are docked together and a woman licks the two joined shafts like similar to playing the harmonica.
Me and John were hanging out when Sarah come over and we had a 3 way, she's always wanted to try a Boston harmonica.