What you say when you don’t want to play a video game with your friends.
Andy: Yo do you wanna perhaps plays some Rocket League?
Iago: Sure man, give me 10 Minutes then i’ll go online.
this is a unit of time used by an individual called Hannah Hughes. she herself does not refer to it as a hannah hue minute herself, preferring to call it a "minute". you must remember than when she mentions minutes, she is talking about hannah hue minutes. this is because real life minutes do not exist in the hannah hughes universe, only hannah hue minutes.
a hannah hue minute is roughly equal to 3 years, 2 months, 1 week and 37 minutes.
please keep hannah hue minutes in mind when planning for events at it is easy to confuse them for real minutes and you may think hannah is late, but please note that it is just a different unit of time!
Hannah Hughes: okay i'll be there in 2 minutes!
literally everyone: *opens hannah hue minute calculator* ok that will be 6 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 1 hour and 14 minutes
Hannah Hughes: no it won't!!!!!!!! (denying the existence of real life minutes)
That nasty BO that you get after a pointless minigame in gym class.
Hey, Mike over there got some really bad 15-Minute Stink after a depressing game of Baseketball.
Whenever your girlfriend Hannah prevents you from doing things with the bros
Yo I’ll be on Xbox later. It’ll be a cool minute
An amount of time that far exceeds that projected amount of time. I.E. much long than expected
Brian asked Djean, "Garrett called 10 minutes ago and said he was almost here, right?"
Djean replied, "Yeah, he was supposed to be here 2 hours ago though. He's taking a max minute."
An extremely short period of time; a few seconds; the time it takes for "everything to change" or "things to get pretty strange" for a New Yorker.
Song "New York Minute" by DON HENLEY recording as a SOLO ARTIST and not as a MEMBER OF *THE EAGLES* as some have suggested.
In a New York Minute everything can change, in a New York Minute things can get pretty strange.
A person who takes their sweet time and pays zero regard for what other people have to do, then tries to come up with valid excuses about why they were taking their sweet time but their excuses are wrong
The Minute Leech missed the boat because she was walking slowly on purpose.