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hot fudge round

This is the act of cooking a Little Debbie's Fudge Round on a stick over an open fire and giving it to The Truck Man.

I'm going to go give this hot fudge round to Truck Man because he got stuck and needs a pick-me-up.

by Maythedickbewithyou October 15, 2017

Fudge kettle

When the person receiving anal is constipated and after a good butt pounding they have a long squeaky butt queef that results in a shart.

I was giving Brenda anal to help her out with her back door blockage and she fudge kettled all over my sheets.

by Kizz8lyn July 19, 2022

Fudge Cluster

The excrement stuck on your ass when you don't wipe well

"Dude! did you shit you're pants in that presentation?"

"No, I've had a fudge cluster riding my ass since lunch, but I couldn't find time to stop and clean up the situation."

by joe307 March 13, 2010

banana fudge and crackers

Well to make it plain and simple no one knows what this entity is but eating this sad combination will make you sad but don’t worry it’s temporary… kind of. You see it’s addictive mixture makes you feel addicted to this substance and trust me a lot of research have done research but they are now addicted to the combination.


Devin: no I am already addicted to lean


fudge rabbit

when one pulls a rabbit out of one's butt naked. Imagine a magic trick done right in-front of you, and the result left you amazed, and disgusted, wishing there had been some behind the curtain magic.

Jeff, I don't know how or why you did it, but that was one fudge rabbit you pulled off.
when someone drops an ice cream cone on the sidewalk, picks it back up, picks the gravel out, and yells taadaa, then consumes it like magic was involved.

by skid-marker August 17, 2024

Judge Fudge

A name given to a special husky, the name can help stimulate reproduction and awareness to things around him/her.

Your new husky Judge Fudge is amazing, the litter she had was just astonishing from her reproduction and the litter are so active and aware.

by ThatFudgyGuy November 19, 2010

Plug Fudge

Escrement upon thy butt plug

Antn3e tried Ryan's plug fudge on a piece of toast.

by FTWW December 15, 2023