a cereal worthy of gods
the divine food
the cereal of life
the holy cereal
cactus jack sent me
wow dude Travis Scott Reese's puffs.
When a person gets triggered by something into losing all self control and exhibits irrational behavior in front of others.
Stacey saw Kiley give Austin a smooch and went cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
A person (usually with the last name Johnson) who takes at the very least 10 puffs on a joint before passing.
Don't be Mr Johnson
"Jheez, 10 puff Johnson, pass the zoot already"
A person (usually girl) who has a thing mainly or only for stoners in other words, their type is stoners !
Basically a puck bunny except replace hockey players w stonerz
Guy 1: Bro she only ever agrees to hang out with me when my plug is over
Guy 2: LOL das a whole puff bunny
Guy 1: omg tru
A morbidly obese white male, normally from the suburbs but can range into safer sections of cities to view sporting events. Pasty Puff's are easily identified by New Balance running shoes (almost always gray), Casper the friendly ghost skin tone and belly's that hang out significantly farther then their dicks. Pasty Puff's are known for the mass consumption of high fructose corn syrup products and saying the wrong thing at every turn.
"Check out Pasty Puff over there double fisting pizza and starbursts like diabetes doesn't exist."
1. A lie.
2. A figment of the imagination
3. Something that never existed
"I thought I payed the rent but I guess it was just Puffs of Hot Air From the Lips of a Ghost in the Shadow of a Unicorns Dream."
When a man ejaculates inside a woman on her period then eates her out
"Oh man I know this is weird but I love strawberry puffing girls"