Source Code

mums the word

to keep quiet about something; my lips are sealed.
mum means mmmmmm (the sound made when putting your lips together)
came from Shakespeare quote:
"Seal up your lips and give no words but mum."

person 1: "Please don't tell anyone about my affair."

person 2: "Don't worry i won't. Mums the word."

by bnm15 July 4, 2009

132πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

lost for words

1. When words won't come when you want them to

2. You talk nonstop, but fail to convey your thoughts/emotions effectively

3. Being so shocked that you cannot think of an adequate word to respond to/with

"I can't believe you got lost - how did you do it! Nobody ever loses their way around here. I am lost for words!"

by Lavynia November 2, 2013

36πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Words with Enemies

When the popular app, "Words with Friends" becomes a game of malicious intent, and in turn results in the integrity of the game being soiled by Google searches. Such suspicion will lead to the inevitable dissolution of the friendship.

Jay- "Yesterday our game of 'Words with Friends' became 'Words with Enemies' when John used the word amitive to spell four other words."

Tommy-"What a scrub."

by lilnette1032 March 9, 2011

52πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Word Vomit

The uncontrollable act of stating valid facts at an often inopportune time in conversation. Usually also in the wrong "Tone."

Q. Why don't you love me anymore?
A. I just have some problems to work out.
Q. Are you sure that is the real reason?
Word Vomit A. Because, you slept with my Brother. Happy Now?

by Hindo9 April 18, 2009

136πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


If ur trying to get at a chick and she texts u one word.

You: Hey gurlll!

Her: hey

you: what you doing tonight?

Her: nothing

You: oh, u wanna do something with me?

Her: uhmmmm. maybe.

You: Man this bitch keeps one-wording me.

Ur friend: eh, shes not that into you dude.

You: wtf?

by Reeseo21 July 31, 2009

55πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

The N word

A phrased used by pussies who are too scared to say nigger.

Brandon:I don’t say the n word.

Nick:You won’t say nigger?
Adam:Quit being a fucking nigger. Just say nigger you nigger

by GFYMNIGGER March 6, 2022

104πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

nigger word

Varied amounts of english words combined with nigger to increase expression, a niggerfied version of english

Someone who uses lots of nigger words is niggerfying their vocabulary.

by DustRG November 24, 2007

36πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž