A more common form of FBJ (Full Blown Jackass). Commonly referred to by physicians as SHJ, it is passed on to a person through significant exposure to a person(s) infected with FBJ.
Cases of SHJ may be more extreme than FBJ as their bodies are not used to it. However, even though those possessing FBJ may have less severe symptoms, it is incurable.
For symptoms refer to the word Full Blown Jackass.
Rob: "Damn Kane I was such a jackass yesterday to Sarah."
Kane: "You've been hanging around me too much."
Rob: "Oh great, now I have Second-Hand Jackass."
Refers to the rare and off-the-scale-wonderful "lucky break" obtained in the following scenario: you are "just suffering" to say something rude/impolite, but then of course you immediately regret said verbal-indiscretion just as soon as it's slipped past yer flapper. But then --- by the grace of Fate --- the unwitting recipient of your snide remark either hadn't been paying attention properly when you'd uttered your auditory barb, he is a bit hard-of-hearing, or you hadn't been speaking loudly enough to be heard over the distance and/or other background noises that were present at the time, and so your "victim" never actually understood --- nor did he suffer any emotional distress from --- your insult, and so he innocently/apologetically asks you to repeat yourself. But of course, YOU DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE TO SAY THE MEAN STATEMENT A SECOND TIME --- now that you've "relieved your internal pressure" by initially making the simmery-tempered remark and then THINKING that the other person heard you, you can now proceed more clear-headedly, and so you can simply say, "Nuthin'" or, "Never mind" when the other person asks you what you'd said.
I was heatedly peeved about how long it had taken the local garage to repair my car, so I made a regrettably-choice remark as I entered the office to pay my bill. Fortunately, though, the office's connecting-door was still somewhat ajar as I spoke, and so the din of the noisy garage-tools drowned out my derogatory statement, allowing me a classic "Will Rogers" second chance to just clamp my tongue. Yup, Ol' "Willie R" was right --- "Never miss a good chance to SHUT UP."
Breaking the second wall is similar to breaking the 3rd. But instead of knowing you are part of a simulation, you propose you might be in one, but you don't believe it.
The Quantum scientist just broke the second wall, thinking that we are in a simulation...
If they are right, we might be breaking the second wall and 3rd wall!
When multiple couples are friends on Facebook and male A shares a meme with female A, then male B, seeing said meme, shares it with female B. Female B realizes that said meme was not exclusive to couple B.
Mary thought John sent her a sweet meme, then she saw that Mike sent it to Jill an hour earlier. It was then she knew she had fallen victim to sloppy second sharing.
Consuming alcohol that someone else has already consumed.
Kissing someone who has just taken a shot and receiving second-hand alcohol.
Its the doomsday clock
what is the doomsday clock at?
100 seconds to midnight
A screaming child in a restaurant, airplane, or other public enclosed space where you can't get away from the sound.
Kathy and I were at this nice dinner the other night and it was totally ruined by the Second-Hand Baby. We had to leave before dessert.