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nice guy

A beta male that is the opposite of what women are actually attracted to. Often seen to women as a manipulating a friendship or doing favours almost like putting coins into a machine hoping to get sex out of it. It never works.

The problem with being the nice guy is the mindset that it springs from. A man supplicating to a woman is doing it out of insecurity and desperation for her approval and sexual attention.
Want to lay hot chicks? Then keep this first and foremost in mind: The quickest and easiest way to kill any attraction a woman may be starting to feel for you is to feel insecure about yourself, or to be needy, or to seek approval. When you have the mindset of being desperate to please, you end up coming on too strong, too early. You become clingy. It’s like you’re begging.

This reminds me of an old saying about banks: they only want to loan you money when
you’re loaded already. If you genuinely need the money, then you can forget it.

Chris was a nice guy, he never got laid.

by guywithtaste February 28, 2016

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

nice guy

There are nice guys, and there are "nice guys".

The latter believe that there are only 2 ways to be male: to be either a "macho man" (misogynistic, narcissistic, aggressive jerkoff) or a "nice guy" (misogynistic, narcissistic, passive-aggressive jerkoff, but also manipulative and spineless). They believe that talking to a woman for five seconds without saying "shut up bitch" means that they're a paragon of everything women want and are thus automatically owed pussy. When they're denied it, it's the woman's failing.

Although they see themselves as having no self-esteem, in reality they actually view themselves as better than "macho men" and when women reject them clearly said women have been lying when they say they want a "nice guy". They thus try and turn into the macho jerks they claim to despise because that's what women "actually want".

Never does it occur to them that 1) they're not actually very nice 2) by and large women don't want macho jerks, they're just less annoying than "nice guys" 3) there’s a third option: being an ACTUALLY nice guy. Someone who DOESN'T try and screw with women's heads, someone who has ACTUAL respect for women rather than just tries a different dishonest tactic to get laid, and someone who has the guts to be honest about what they want and the spine to suck it up when they don't get it rather than whining about how dreadful women are and getting gradually more bitter and hateful.

Nice guy: I'm such a nice guy, why don't girls want me? They say they want nice guys! But they go out with macho jerks! Or they dump me for them! They're all lying bitches who break your heart!
Actually nice guy: Arrogant, misogynistic, whiny - what woman WOULDN'T want you?

by bald_rick October 30, 2011

44πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Nice guy

A person of the male variety that has no personality of his own, and makes up for it by giving a girl compliments until she, hopefully, at some point in the distant future, may give him a disinterested hand-job while watching Grey's Anatomy.

Not to be confused with a Genuine Guy, the nice guy may give off the appearance of understanding, so that a mentally unstable girl (Probably with an eating disorder or depression) feels like she can trust in him. He sometimes likes to pretend that he has a deep and meaningful side to him in order to get a girl to feel sympathy for him.

Note: On many occasions, a nice guy may seem like he's trying to do what's best for the Girl. This is false. When a nice guy says "You shouldn't be dating X, he's not any good for you", what he is not trying to get you to make the right choice. He's trying to get in your pants, and he's using the lowest possible way of doing so: Deception.

The main difference between normal guys and nice guys is that a normal guy will say what he thinks, whereas a nice guy will say whatever will make a girl the happiest.

In short: If you're a girl, avoid them like the plague.

If you ARE a nice guy, harden the fuck up and form a personality of your own.

When a guy likes a girl:

Normal guy: "Hey, want to go out on a date?"

Nice guy: "I love you, I'll only ever be happy if you're with me, so if you don't go out with me I'll kill myself!"

(Note: Some guy actually used that last line on my girlfriend. What's even more depressing is that she fell for it)

by Zerotrousers March 14, 2011

55πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Nice guy

They aren't nice they're just really really really desperate if they ever run into a homeless person in need they would simply walk past them .

They usually go after girls who are already in a relationship then complain about how they don't cheat on their boyfriends who are so called jerks by them and not fall for their fake nice guy act or complain about how the girl shouldn't go after the attractive guys like how they go after attractive girls and find that really really unfair

They end up concluding that girls only want to be treated badly when its completely not true.

They ignore the fact there are many many other important traits other than just being nice which are important like being financially stable ,having a healthybody,not drinking or doing drugs, being an interesting person in general, having hobbies other than gaming
,having same similar interests

If the nice guy could just stop trying to emothionally manipulate pathetic girls and try to be a real man by fixing their life up by gaining more hobbies , working out , start being honest , get a good stylist and hair dresser and become finacially stable they could become so happy and satisfied by their fullfiling life and be just satisfied with or without a girl . girls would become mega drawn to a guy like

Girl : my boyfriend just ate my cake hate him so much

"Nice" guy : he is just a bad person if you dump him and go after me I will never ever eat your cake slice I will even give you mine

Girl : its not a big deal

Nice guy: you freaking idiot always going after the jerks this why you will come back crying to me when shows his real face!!

by Mr life advice November 13, 2015

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

nice guy

A nice guy is loving,careing thats there for her in the time of need and repects her but in the end it.women that go out with nice guys will suck the life out of you and take your money. nice guys when are you going to wake up a stop feeling sorry about your self being nice will only give you heart break and pain and being used because women see you as being weak

nice guy saying:am a nice guy. girl saying:your sweet i just want to be friends (she thinking) do have money

by greenshadowblue September 26, 2008

46πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

nice guy

A extinct sort of male human characterized by kindness, caring, and finishing last. Some claim to have seen or even met a nice guy, but experts agree that they died out many years ago.

Too bad there aren't any nice guys any more.

by liz January 15, 2005

106πŸ‘ 176πŸ‘Ž

Nice guy

A guy whose girlfriend slept with eight different guys during their relationship still cannot treat her like a whore or sleep with any other girls just for his sexual need because he can feel guilty when treating woman like shit.

W: Then he tried to engage an non-serious relationship with his ex but he cant do it. After all that girl did to him he still cant use her just for his need.
M: You mean he still has feeling toward her?
W: No. I mean he is a nice guy.

by witch May 25, 2006

66πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž