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Poop Pimples

When have to poop so bad you get goose bumps.

Oh my god pull over I have to poop so bad I have poop pimples.

by notreallyfunnyatall April 17, 2022

Poop Pimple

Person who tries to draw attention to their small rear end using explicit attention seeking attire, posture or walk.

Ugh! There goes a poop pimple by me.

by UrbanDefinator May 25, 2021

pimple town

The part of town you hang out in when your acne is going nuckin futs all over your face.

As you can see by my acne I've been crusing the mean streets of pimple town lately.

by scrotymcboogerballs May 14, 2010

hydra pimples

When you get rid of one pimple just to have three more pop up overnight to take its place. Often occurring before stressful days, like picture day or a first date.

"Dude, when'd you get all those whiteheads?"

"They're hydra pimples - I popped one last night, and now I have five!"

by NoJo113 February 9, 2012

Pimple on Society

The people who think they are smarter than the whole world trying to figure out Covid19. The ones who whine about their rights and refuse to protect others by wearing a mask. The worst are usually female evangelicals who deliberately, defiantly cough in another’s face. Such people ought to be arrested for assault, much less attempted murder.

I watched, as a Pimple on Society deliberately coughed directly in someone’s face in Walmart.

by Sparkdog May 24, 2020

Pimple butt

What my ex had. A girl who has a pimple on her ass or in between butt cheeks. Kind of a turn on.

Dude Monique had a pimple butt: she had three zits on her butt because it was so fat . Awesome.

by Mcgwicko September 11, 2016

mind pimple

another word for being horny; has two solutions: let it go away or act on it. like pimples, you can either let it go away or “pop it”.

Friend 1- “Dude i had a mind pimple the other day.”
Friend 2- “Oh man did you masturbate?”

by Chase Shithead III March 11, 2020