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Reverse Psychology

Inferring the quality of an ass viewed only from the front. An inexact science.

"It was like she was hiding it, but eventually I got a glimpse of her ass. It was luscious. My reverse psychology was dead on."

by Sensate Mass February 5, 2013

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Jungian psychology

Legendary Theorist of Cognitive Siences; In Swisseland, Jung was regognized as a Psychiatrist. If he were to be ressurected to life of a sudden, he would not be able to exlain the 5 common traits of all living organisizms. He would not know to fathom the first step of a "recovery program" but he would surly recognize that the 12 Step Program is Religious beyond any doubt. Would he speak to you of simple problems and teach you trust-building skills, frindship skills, problem solving skills? ...... No! He would be looking for Sigmund Freud, ..where is my siggy???

Jungian Psychology was a prompt to those who would come later and explore exact sciences of the mind and body according to the rise of technology. He was a deep thinker; but the opposite of medical scientist. He dug into vast areas of knowledge of spritualism, telepathy, and ArchType (symbols) and then appled unsound results to ancient throries. His understanted of men and his brain what non greater than the Andalusian Peoples. WE must look to a new science; and keep for legend and respect, the Jungian psychology. ( Jungle Psychology - Pathatic Pathosis )

by Simon Corbin ( Just Simon from here on) August 10, 2006

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starcraft psychology

Starcraft Psychology is a way to describe a popular mindset while playing Starfact (online). There is actually a different attitude towards playing each with the Zerg, Protoss and Terran races in Starcraft. Recognizing how players usually treat their races in the game, may actually help to avoid mistakes while playing the game.

Here is my advice to noobs:

1) Zerg are thought to be sparable. Players will not "worry" for losing Zerg units. This happens because Zerg are an alien breed where units are quickly made. For this reason players will make quick rushes, waste units and resources and end up with a lack of units for a time when they are really needed.

2) Terrans are at the other extreme. While the cost and time to make them are somewhere in the middle of all 3 races, Terrans are most human-like. As a result players are too careful to send units when they should, probably because of feelings of guilt.

3) Protoss are the most interesting. While they cost the most, and are somewhat easy to kill (when faced the right type of opponent's units), players often treat them like Zerg units (again because they are "alien" looking and "alien" sounding, like Zerg units).

starcraft psychology, as seen in some cases:
1) Zerg units are often sent to slaughter. Instead, rushes should be conducted more carefully.
2) Terran players often can rush and win but choose caution instead. Rather, a player should seize the right moment and attack.
3) Protoss players will send massive amounts dragoons against terran tanks. As a result, unit number is depleated and takes a lot of time to regain. Instead, these players should preserve every unit.

by Dimon January 21, 2007

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Perverse Psychology

Being brutally and truthfully honest with an individual (in a humourous way) with no intention of changing the person at all. In the end having the person laughing about their own faults and inadequacies. Unlike reverse psychology where you say the opposite to get the result you want.

Me: We laughed so hard at Jake trying to understand big words...dumb fuck doesnā€™t get it
Friend: is he gonna learn?
Me: no. Itā€™s just funny. Right Jake?
Jake: so funny.
Friend: thatā€™s perverse psychology?
Jake: huh?

by Bushido711 January 17, 2019

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pot psychology

1. The psychology behind smoking pot.
2. The psychology behind keeping things in pots.
3. The interaction between smoking pot and putting things in pots.

1. Dude, how much pot have you smoked, you look baked?!
2. Which pot did you put your weed in man, I can't find it!
3. You can't remember which pot you put your pot in because you were high as a kite when you put it there! That's pot psychology for ya!

by pot psychology March 5, 2014

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Buzzword Psychology

Meaningless drivel. Things like ā€œgoalā€ or ā€œshared vision.ā€ And the assertion that you need these things is conjecture promulgated as fact.

Dr. Jordan Baalenciaga PeepPorp ā€œYou can only feel positive emotion in relationship to a goalā€

Hym ā€œThis a prime example of Jordan Peterson (in the words of Brandon Shiff) stating conjecture as fact. See, he knows heā€™s doing it and he knows that itā€™s wrong for him to do it but heā€™s just going to keep doing it. Because right and wrong donā€™t matter to Jordan Peterson. The only thing that matters to Jordan Peterson is the preservation of his own will. Which is why heā€™s so obsessed with not being manipulated. YOUR will (on the other hand) is irrelevant. What you believe is irrelevant (to Dr. Jordan Peterson). And itā€™s demonstrably untrue. What about the weekend, Jordan? Was it my ā€˜goalā€™ to not work for a couple of days? No. But I feel positive emotion none the less. How about finding 20 dollar bill on the sidewalk. Positive emotion? Yes. Was it my goal to find money on the sidewalk? No.ā€

Dr. Qwertyuiop asdfghjkl ā€œAnyone can find the exception!ā€

Hym ā€œItā€™s not that thereā€™s AN exception. Itā€™s that that are so many exceptions that it makes it impossible for what youā€™re saying to be true. Itā€™s the same with your ā€˜shared visionā€™ nonsense. You use these vague, amorphous terms to disguise the sophistry. How is a ā€˜shared visionā€™ and different from a ā€˜predictive model?ā€™ Iā€™m referring (of course) to your argument about climate change. This ā€˜share visionā€™ is not only unnecessary but it doesnā€™t really mean anything. And what happened to ā€˜not doing things that you know to be wrong and stupid?ā€™ Thatā€™s what you do. It isnā€™t for you. Your entire propositional ethic is what is convenient for OTHER PEOPLE to do so that YOU donā€™t have to deal with them. OOHHH!!! šŸ˜± Thatā€™s what this is! Itā€™s YOU getting out of having to do therapy! Thatā€™s YOUR goal. Therapy was miserable and depressing for you because of how tragic peopleā€™s lives are, and now you donā€™t have to do it. You can ā€˜help peopleā€™ (who donā€™t actually need help) by promulgating your flawed ethic (that doesnā€™t hold up to scrutiny) and get that sweet, sweet positive emotion without having to do things you donā€™t want to do. Which is the definition of ā€˜moving towards a goalā€™ by the way. Doing things you donā€™t want to do. THAT IS HILARIOUS! HA! Thatā€™s the point of your buzzword psychology. Rendering therapy obsolete through sophistry.ā€

Dr. Gargamel Potara ā€œYou canā€™t think so accept my propositions and die quietly regardless of the outcome!ā€

by Hym Iam December 7, 2022

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psychological drafting

In racing (running/biking), psychological drafting occurs when you spot a person ahead of you with a number in your age group, and you follow that person closely so you can pass him/her when the finish line is in sight.

I was running a marathon and spotted a guy in my age group just ahead of me, so I did some psychological drafting and dusted him at the finish line before he knew what happened.

by RenegadeTX June 6, 2007

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