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Adolf Hitler

The Dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945, mostly during World War 2.

Adolf Hitler was a horrible maniac, and he also had a shitty mustache.

by alee2006 June 26, 2018

123๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

(April 20,1889-April 30,1945) was the dictator or Fuhrer of Germany from 1933 to his defeat in 1945 at the end of World War 2 (1939-1945). Hitler served in World War I (1914-1918) and won the Iron Cross for bravery as a dispatch runner in the German Army. After the humiliating defeat of Germany in 1918 and the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, Hitler became an anti-semite and blamed the Jews for all of Germany's woes, Hitler in 1933 became Reichskanzler and took over the presidency of Germany which he merged and became absolute ruler of Nazi Germany in 1935, Hitler expelled Jews from German life and labelled them as non citizens in the 1934 Race Laws, Hitler aided Francisco Franco in the Spanish revolution and became allies with Benito Mussolini who was Prime Minister of Fascist Italy. in 1938 Hitler both annexed Czechoslovakia and his native Austria into a "Greater German Reich". From 1939-1940 Hitler invaded Poland and France then in the next year of 1941 Hitler invaded the Soviet Union which created a war on two fronts and because of his blundering in military matters he was eventually defeated and committed suicide with his mistress Eva Braun in Berlin but not before causing the deaths of 50 million people and 6 million Jews in the Holocaust.

Adolf Hitler is commonly associated with "Pure Evil"

by MrMattD April 3, 2015

159๐Ÿ‘ 189๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

A low-life, bottom-feeding, under-educated, unhygienic, slimy, no-neck, toxic, triple-chinned, oxygen-wasting, crude, gutless, foul-smelling, buck-toothed, corrupt, felonious, disgraceful, disease-ridden, bull-legged, yellow-belly, back-stabbing, ghoulish, vulgar, despicable, worm-headed, shit-eating, cocksucking, buttfucking, penis-smelling, crotch-grabbing, ball-licking, semen-drinking, dog-raping, Nazi-loving, child-touching, cow-humping, perverted, spineless, heartless, mindless, dickless, testicle-choking, urine-gargling, jerk-offing, horse face, sheep-fondling, toilet-kissing, self-centered, feces-puking, dildo-shoving, snot-spitting, crap-gathering, big-nosed, monkey-slapping, bastard-screwing, bean-shitting, fart-knocking, sack-busting, splooge-tasting, bear-blowing, head-swallowing, bitch-snatching, handjobbing, donkey-caressing, mucus-spewing, anal-plugging, hoe-grabbing, uncircumcised, sewer-sipping, whore mongering, piss-swimming, midget-munching, douchebag, hole-biting, carnivorous, mail-order prostituting asshole!

Adolf Hitler is a low-life, bottom-feeding, under-educated, unhygienic, slimy, no-neck, toxic, triple-chinned, oxygen-wasting, crude, gutless, foul-smelling, buck-toothed, corrupt, felonious, disgraceful, disease-ridden, bull-legged, yellow-belly, back-stabbing, ghoulish, vulgar, despicable, worm-headed, shit-eating, cocksucking, buttfucking, penis-smelling, crotch-grabbing, ball-licking, semen-drinking, dog-raping, Nazi-loving, child-touching, cow-humping, perverted, spineless, heartless, mindless, dickless, testicle-choking, urine-gargling, jerk-offing, horse face, sheep-fondling, toilet-kissing, self-centered, feces-puking, dildo-shoving, snot-spitting, crap-gathering, big-nosed, monkey-slapping, bastard-screwing, bean-shitting, fart-knocking, sack-busting, splooge-tasting, bear-blowing, head-swallowing, bitch-snatching, handjobbing, donkey-caressing, mucus-spewing, anal-plugging, hoe-grabbing, uncircumcised, sewer-sipping, whore mongering, piss-swimming, midget-munching, douchebag, hole-biting, carnivorous, mail-order prostituting asshole!

by co5oo March 14, 2019

148๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

A German leader that rose to power after WWI when Germany was in a Great Depression, he offered help and used the Jewish religion as a scapegoat saying they were the reason for Germany's troubles, as well as people who did not follow his views. Hitler then recruited as many soldiers as possible, especially the mentally unstable, to 'control' the prisoners. The guards tortured and raped whomever they pleased but still followed Hitler's golden rule, massacre. In total about 6 million innocent lives were taken before Russian and American forces infiltrated all the camps that were made or renovated that held the remaining live prisoners.

" Adolf Hitler was a great man!"
"Alright sir, eat your spinach before you go back to your cell or you wont get any dessert later, okay?"
"But I dont LIKE spinach!"
"Sir, you've been here for 12 years for firing upon a Mosque, eat it or I'll get mr. Sanches in."
"Okay! God! Heil Hitler."

by NorfMcFlorf October 12, 2019

115๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

1. Asshole
2. An idiot that was in world war two, and caused jewish to suffer.

1. Adolf hitler just killed my mom in a concentration camp!
2. Damn, that Adolf hitler! Stupid bully!

by Mikomikii January 26, 2020

120๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

A man who killed Jews because they had bigger dicks than him

FUck Adolf Hitler

by Poopee fingers August 7, 2018

142๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler

A few things about Adolf that people (mostly gypsygal) have entirely wrong:

* Chancellor of Germany 1933-45

* Hitler did indeed order the invasion of Russia in 1941 the directive was known as "Operation Barbarossa"

* Hitler's personal attorney Hans Frank, who was also Governor-General of Poland, was acquisitioned with the task of investigating a possible Jewish lineage in Hitler's family history. After extensive research Frank concluded that the reality of Hitler having Jewish blood was incredibly remote, but a, possibility. Historians believe that Frank found something substantial, but disregarded it for his own personal safety.

* He committed suicide on April 30th, 1945 by a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head and ingestion of potassium cyanide.

* The Axis included: Italy, Japan and Germany among other nations and territories

* Auschwitz-Birkeneau was notorious for its mass killings and high numbers. The former commandant Rudolf Hoess claimed there were as many as 2.5 million people who perished, but evidence indicates that 1.1million is an accurate estimation.

Adolf Hitler

by thehardtruth January 26, 2010

105๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž