Source Code

Border Brother

A generic name for the hustlers that inhabit the border area.

Oh. TJ is a true Border Brother, last I heard he was smuggling cigarettes, guns and a little bit of dope. Busy boy.

by Uppity White Man April 3, 2018

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Border wall

Imaginary wall between the United States and Mexico, supposedly being paid for by Mexico. It's how donnie trump trolls his supporters on a daily basis.

Donnie Trump:"What are we gonna build?"

Trumptards at rally:" A WALL!!"

Donnie:"Who's gonna pay for the border wall?"


Donnie (under his breath): "fucking idiots...hehe"

by Littlehandsdonniedotard June 28, 2018

74๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

border hopper

a mexican who crossed the mexican-american border

if u call me a border hopper, i'll kill u, u fuckin cracker

by Nathan Hernandez February 28, 2006

118๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž

Open Borders

A belief, mostly by left-wingers, that there should be free movement of people from one country to another and they shouldn't need documentation for citizenship. This is argued because many liberals believe that it is "too hard" for illegal immigrants to become citizens. Enacting this policy is too risky for a country because it would not be able to monitor what kind of trash enters the country, not to mention the tax burden it would bring.

Jonny: "Fuck Donald Trump and his wall. Why does the U.S. make it so hard to keep immigrants out of the country. We should have open borders."
Hal: "While I do believe that legal immigration is good for any country, it is an idiotic idea to have open borders. How would you know that ISIS or Zika isn't getting in the country?".

by meloforprez August 17, 2016

265๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Border Patrol

Cleaning up down south, after you have defecated.

Taking a shower or washing up.... after you take a shit.

Sorry I was late, I was on border patrol.

by Aquarawel September 22, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

border monger

dumb ass mexican who illegally crosses the border between the US and mexico. sometimes border mongers cross back and forth to smuggle drugs or do other filthy shit that only a border monger would do. border mongers often bitch about how the government doesnt give them any money or help, but they dont realize that the government is not obligated to do shit for them because they are living in the US illegally. border mongers have a tendency to do shit like haul 50 pounds of bricks for 100 miles for 20 hours a day all for 1 dollar. they are very good workers.

joe: look at that man. he is so dedicated. he has been up there working construction for 1 day straight
border monger 2: george bush need to help our people! he does not give us 1 million dollar. we demand 1 million dollar!
john: what a fucking dumb border monger.

by pablo the border monger April 18, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

border shopping

Visiting multiple border crossing points, trying to find one that will let you cross.

The border guard caught me border shopping and told me it was illegal, but he was a lot more reasonable than the jerk at the first place I tried, who demanded a work visa I haven't even got yet, and he let me pass.

by another non american December 19, 2006

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