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Bumbling Burrell

To move, act, or proceed clumsily. Your last name must be Burrell.

A clumsy fool.

Matt you are such a bumbling Burrell.

by Jesamin October 9, 2008

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A new name for bees

Person 1:I have a petition for Minecraft bees to be renamed bumble-butts.
Person 2:Why not regular bees?
Person 1:Bumble-butts*

by Bumble-butts January 1, 2020

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Bumble Nut

A Bumble Nut is other wise known as a small ball of faeces that has not been wiped properly and sticks to the hairs around your anus, and is left so long it has gone hard. The name derives from Bum-Ball-Nut but recent accents in recent times have thus changed this to Bumble Nut

In school we went swimming and my mate Benyon tried to change into his trunks but his underpants were caught on his Bumble Nuts.

My mates girlfriend made me a Bumble Nut Sandwich for lunch last week.

by emo_the_love_god October 27, 2010

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bumble bee

a autoboy that murders/kills decepticons but is often underestimated by everyone because he is small and yellow mostly cause hes yellow

"yo did you see bumble bee fuck that bitch up the other day"

by guru4/20biotch April 18, 2008

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bumble brothers

n. Used when two dudes are combining forces to do something stupid.

Me: Hey, there goes Joe and Dan, I think they said they were gonna steal some lawn ornaments.
Other guy: Fuckin bumble brothers!

by roller June 4, 2005

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Bumble Fuck

A mess-up or situation that is worse then a Fuck Up but not as bad as a Cluster Fuck

Guy 1: What the hell just happened?

Guy 2: This whole thing is a Bumble Fuck

Guy 3: It could be worse, it could've been a total clusterfuck

Guy 1 & 2: True, True

by Nikkonikko August 16, 2009

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Bumble Bee

A highly racially offensive term for someone who is half African American and half Asian. The reasoning behind it is that African-Asians are black and yellow, and so are bumble bees.

"I am half black half Asian!""You mean you're a bumble bee?"

by Isaac Raygan November 3, 2011

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