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The word Chav is, in fact, an acronym for Council House Associated Vermin, this is reflected in their magpie like attraction to shiny things as well as discount fake sports wear. Chavs can also be identified by the vomit inducing stench of stale tobacco smoke and unwashed clothes

'Hey look a dirty chav'

by Heavy Metal Man December 29, 2009

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(n.) Stupid, ignorant, often illiterate moron with no respect for other human beings. Generally have very bad taste in music and clothing, they are afraid of anything vaguely complicated or different. Commonly speak like dis m8, innit. txt tlk isnt kl m8, so dnt use it, k?! (These stupid creatures are easily outwitted)

1. 'Go faster' stripes.
2. Burbery.
3. White trainers(especially nike or reebok).
4. tlkin like a moron m8 innit
5. Thick 'gold' chain worn round neck.
6. Soveriegn rings.
7. Big hoopy earings.
8. Listens to rap, hip-hop,r&b and/or dance style music.
9.Hate goths.
10.Difficult to understand.
You're getting bored! All of these are signs of chavvyness!

by Iamme123 December 19, 2005

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A lame excuse for a teenager.
Usually sporting every single bit of Nike they can find and the whitest trainers you have ever seen.
The usual habitat for a chav is either McDonalds or outside the Co-op.
And looking 'hard' on their BMX's.
Seem too refer too everyone as 'mate' even though they are having a go at them.

Mostly they think they are sex on legs, but everyone knows we just laugh about them behind their backs.

Normal: ... Hi?
Normal: .. No -Thinking- Why is this randomer having a go?
Chav: -Lights 'Fag'- I AIN'T EVEN BOTHERED MATE.
Normal: Ok then.. O.O

by Katehhh March 6, 2008

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A Chav is a type of person, usually aged 10-29, known for their anti-social behavior and a rough lifestyle that incudes hanging around the street and starting conflicts with people who are not like them. The Chavs are todays menaces on Britain’s streets, roaming urban areas causing trouble and vandalizing things at random. Other names for chavs include: Chavette (a female chav), neds (used in Scotland), townies and ratboys.
Chavs wear hooded sweaters, tracksuit bottoms tucked into their socks and baseball caps – usually Burberry - at a 45 degree angle - sometimes with a hood over. Cheap jewelery is commonplace on most chavs or chavettes, ranging from fancy chains on the boys and massive ear rings on the female chavs.
Their musical taste mainly includes R&B, Hip-hop, dance and other similar genres. Chav targets include moshers, emos and other people who don't dress or act the way the typical chav does.
At most MacDonald’s outlets at least 7 or 8 chavs are knocking about, buzzing about the playground swing they tore off the other day, or humiliating the people who walk through the door or sit on the next table along. Chavs (or chavettes) also like to hang out a kids playgrounds, bus stops, and many other places where they stand the chance of abusing innocent people till the police come and sort them out. Even at the cinema there are chavs (not even watching the film) sitting there showing off their mobiles and throwing popcorn at a person 5 rows down.
Chavs are known to vandilise bus stops, throw stones at windows and mugging old ladies trying to get home after a long walk around town. Other chav activities include grafitti-ing public toilets and road signs, getting themselves drunk on a friday night in the streets and some go as far as stealing cars and driving down street at 100 mph.
They are at large in almost every town and city in the UK. If you ever come across a chav, approach with caution and prepare for a load of "what na fuck ya looking at ya silly twat!" and "av ya got any spare change for ma bus fare?"

chav: "what sort a fuckin clothes are they?"
mosher: "shut up you chavscum, and obey your ASBO"
chav: "ee ya cheaky twat, i'll smack ya, ya fuckin dickhead"
mosher: *walks up to chav*
chav: *runs up to his 15 year old pregnant girlfriend (chavette)* "give us a hand, that wanker is startin on me innit!"
chavette: "get ere ya dickhead, nobody disses ma baby boy!"
mosher: *runs away quickly*
chavette: *starts to run after him but shes so pissed she hasnt got the pace to keep up with him*

by Toughers August 4, 2006

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The humble chav, aka scum. These simple creatures walk the earth clad in as many fake lables as they can fit on their puny, weak, little bodies. Their language consists of...well if we could work it out im sure it would make sense to someone. Commonly seen in 'crews' of about...2500 hanging around on street corners drinking the o so delightful bottle of 'white lightning' bragging about how many 'mother fuckers' they managed to father in a space of a week.

Chavettes, aka sluts, are commonly found pushing a lovely pushchair(probably stolen off some unsuspecting passer by) round and round followed by a crowd of possible 'fathers' of the poor little socially rejected child.

These creatures somehow aquire a liking for hip hop/r&b and burberry. Chavs seem to have a 'limp' which means one side of their body has 2 flop mysteriously to one side in unison, carefully avoiding puddles and any signs of dirt that might affect the pristine white reebok classics.These creatures somehow aquire a liking for hip hop/r&b and burberry. Often seen wearing matching fake tracksuits and chav caps, these individuals like to pick fights with little children or old aged pentioners(who would probably beat them in a fight anyway). They drive round and round the local one way system revving up their 'blingin' peices of chavved up metal they call cars or little scooters that they probably havn't even got a licence for...using up all the petrol they probably more than likely stole from someone elses car.

These things could possibly be captured but unfortunately i think there is a law that says we can't. However the art of chav hunting is still free so help the cause and go chav hunting!

a typical chav conversation

'yo bruv...dese tunez iz bangin init'
'init blod...yo iz getin laid by ya bitch l8r?'
'which 1 bruv...?'
'ya no...dat bitch wid da hench tits init'

...it continues on and on....

by george the chav hunter October 23, 2005

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Complete and utter waste of space. Recent (couple of years) incursion into British culture is the "Chav."
There are two forms of this word;
Chav = Cheltenam Average
Chav = Council House and Violent

I'm sure everyone has heard of these tosspots, but if you aren't quite sure.. Perhaps this will jog your memory?
- Pitiful IQ, of which barely rivals an amoeba.
- Burburry baseball cap, always worn at an angle
- Utmost idiocy and unbelievably annoying abuse of the English language.
- Tracksuits or other branded clothing such as Addidas or Reebok.
- Bling Central. At least one golden coloured ring on each finger, a couple of chains.
- In order to become a chav you must first be either really short, really lanky or incredibly fat (normally chavettes)
- Huge groups of complete remedials.
- Immensely tacky clothing, complete with retarded gestures when speaking to a fellow zombie.
- Normally in groups of 10 or more, you can often see the whole group fighting each other just for the hell of it or all beating on some innocent bystander who happened to look in their general direction.
-Only nutrition comes from fast food restaurants, most classic being McDonalds. Often because it's all they can afford.

Basically, if you have seen Shaun of The Dead, chavs are the zombies + burberry + bling + 9 other companions - 200 braincells.

A group of chavs often take a while to decide what to do. This is due to the fact that the sharing of the single brain cell they have takes a while to get passed on to each "person."

All chavs should be exterminated. Shoot at will, innit.

Example 1-
A) Chav 1: Wut da fuk are yu lukin at?
B) Respectable Person: You
C) Chav 1 & 2: Ooh, did ya all ere dat? e's a cheeky one
D) Chavette: Yea, ar ya startin? I'll fukin ave yu.
E) All Chavs: Ge'd 'im!
F) Chav 4: Yea lets fukin spark im out, like.
G) Chav 7: Innit
H) Chavette: I is well up for it
I) -Poor offspring of 12 and 14 year old chav cries-
J) Chav 3: Aw for fuk sake man, shut dat lidle fucka up, like
K) Chav 8: Yo
L) -All go to "spark out" the guy that looked at them.-


A) Chav 1: Someone with a life is regarding our group.
B) Respectable Person: You
C) Chav 1 & 2: Gosh. He just said something I didn't understand. Lets
insult him.
D) Chavette: Yes. I'm harder than all of these lads here, i'll hit you.
E) All Chavs: Lets get him!
F) Chav 4: Yes, lets beat him and knock him out.
G) Chav 7: Yeah.
H) Chavette: I am feeling up to a fight.
I) -Poor offspring of 12 and 14 year old chav cries-
J) Chav 3: Darn. Not that silly child again. Dearest, please calm him
K) Chav 8: Yeah.
L) -All go to beat up the guy that looked at them.-

Example 2-
1) Lone Chav: Ya startin?
2) Respectable Person: Yeah -Walks towards the ape-like creature-
3) Chav: Ar shit man, I was only kiddin' innit

1) Lone Chav: I don't know why that man is stood near me. He must be
trying to start a fight.
2) Respectable Person: Yeah -Walks towards the chav-
3) Chav: Oh no! Where's all my gang? I'm too scared to touch him unless
at least 5 of my friends beat him up with me. I'm sorry mister, please
don't hurt me.

by AdmiralDonkey July 1, 2006

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the british version of wiggers, or white trash. pretty much the gum on the bottom of your shoe. similar to knackers. they have nothing better to do with their lives than stand outside a McDonalds (which they think is nicer than a 5 star hotel) with a whole jewelry store worth of rings, earings, and necklaces and try to intimidate little kids (cause kids are the only ones they have the balls to stand up to) and wont fight anyone unless they have 4 times as many people as you do.

oh my god honey!!! did you see that?!?! that little kid just kicked that chavs ass!!!! hahahahahahahaha what a loser!!!!

by lepi August 11, 2007

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