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a gender that will break your heart. they will lead you on, say they love you, and make you feel awesome. but in the end, its all a lie.

Girl: I dont love you anymore.
Boy: Youre a real girl.

by fucklife123 January 23, 2011

131๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


when running with grils, specificaly at cross crountry practice, and they are running ahead/faster than you

"dude, lets pick it up, we are getting girled"

by stan-o September 30, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

that girl

1. A femal at a wedding or social gathering who is oblivious that she is making an ass of herself and embarassing everyone who knows her.

Rich brought "that girl" to Jeff's wedding. She got up and sang with the band, she was drunk and had no voice. A total whore.

by Bud E Love May 5, 2003

96๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

That Girl

Diamonds, Daisies, Snowflakes, That Girl.
Chestnuts, rainbows, springtime..
Is that girl. She's tinsel on a tree.
She's everything that every girl should be.

Sable, Popcorn, white wine, that girl,
Gingham, Bluebirds, Broadway.
She's that girl!
She's mine alone but luckily for you...
If you find a girl to love,
Only one girl to love,
then she'll be that girl too.


Basically a Show that premiered on ABC in 1966. Starring Marlo Thomas, a girl named Ann Marie moves to New York to commence her modeling career. Her boyfriend, Don Hollinger always wants to Marry her, but she wants to be a liberated woman. In the season finale, instead of him FINALLY proposing, they go to a woman's lib rally. Simply divine. -cry-

Anyways, yeah. This show was so powerful, I ended up named after Marlo Thomas. Woo and yay.

John: Dude. She's That Girl.
Henry: She's tinsel on a tree?
John: She's everything that every girl should be.
Henry: That was really queer.
John: Maybe we should lay off the Nick at Nite reruns.
Henry: Who can turn the world on with her smiiiilleeee..
John: Wrong show assface.

by Marlo. January 14, 2006

87๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Demons from hell that feed on the souls of men. Always get what they want, especially the more attractive ones. Are known to be nice to men only in myths. Play evil tricks and commit evil acts like dumping their drink on their boyfriend or husband because of something they think was mean. Girls contain the emotional stability of a rhino on a unicycle balancing on a tightrope made of fishing string. They can be sweet and loving one second and become hostile and filled with rage the next second (their true identity).

Man: Wow! ur the hottest girl in the world! (talking to girlfriend)
Woman: Oh! So who's the second hottest?! Ur so insensitive! I hate you!
Man: Girls are CRAZY!!! I'm thinking about suicide. (Thinking to self)

by potpouri! March 6, 2009

121๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


An animal that can talk

I wish girls would just stop talking and stand there and look hot.

by UberGeit3000 July 1, 2010

115๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something I just NEVER seem to get...it always seems like all da real catz can't get any chicks...

Girls, they want ONE guy, and thatz IT! And if they can't have that ONE guy, they're gonna say "all guys are jerks" and then their gonna become all sad or become all bitchy just over ONE guy that is probably "exactly what they are lookin for"

Girls need to realize that even though that ONE guy might not like them like they want them too, they NEED to move on, cuz theres other guys that want that same chick.

And these other guys (like me) try to get to know a girl like this, but we GET REJECTED.

Girls IGNORE me no matter what I seem to do. I try to go up to one, smile at them, and say "hey how's it goin?" but they ALWAYS ignore me or say "why do you care" BECAUSE I'm not that ONE guy they originally wanted in tha first place...

Girls want ONE guy DESPERATELY, and they will do anything to get him. And when they can't get that one guy, they'll start saying all boys are stupid. THEY NEED TO OPEN THEIR EYES and realize that guys like me would love to get to know them, but instead they ignore us. And this is EXACTLY why I get rejected everytime...

I'm 19 years old and I haven't even been on a date, I haven't even hugged a girl yet, and I try talkin to girls ALL DA TIME! I try bein nice, but I guess girls will ALWAYS be a "girl"

Me: "Hey, how's it goin?" :) *while smiling*

Girl: *walks by and COMPLETELY ignores guy*

Me (to another girl): "Hey, how's it goin?" :)

Girl: "why do you care?"

*Girl then probably thinks "what a loser"*

BUT WHO KNOWS what girls are really thinkin...

by ThaRealestNigga January 1, 2009

195๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž