the socially accepted attitude that it's OK to be racist as long as your skin doesn't have a hue of white.
Black Man: "get outta my way you stupid Cracker"
White man: "yes Mr. African American, I accept your politically correct racism and bigotry because of the hate my "ancestors" put upon you, and therefore will get out of your way."
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the socially accepted attitude that it's OK to be racist as long as your skin doesn't have a hue of white.
Black Man: "get outta my way you stupid Cracker"
White man: "yes Mr. African American, I accept your politically correct racism and bigotry because of the hate my "ancestors" put upon you, and therefore will get out of your way."
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Generalizing all Black people as being African-American, when a black person may actually be from Jamaica for example.
Basing a generalization that someone is from Africa based on the colour of their skin.
Example 1:-
Cop: You! African-American, stop or I will shoot!
Jamaican: I'm from Jamaica mon, ya ignorant fool.
Example 2:-
Liberal: You can't call him "Black", he's an African-American!
Normal, sane, civilized, Person: How can you tell he is an American of African decent based on his skin colour without actually knowing the guy? isn't that an ignorant, sweeping generalization and basically politically correct racism?
Liberal: His skin colour is black and must therefore have ancestry from Africa! you Racist!
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Contrary to popular conservative belief, political correctness is not a solely left-wing phenomenon.
politically correct (conservative)
Examples of conservative correctness:
frankfurters became "hot dogs" during world war I
french fries became freedom fries in 2003
David Horowitz's "Academic Bill of Rights"
attempts to "teach the controversy" by creationists in biology courses, and global warming deniers in environmental science courses
Any number of campaigns against plays or films, such as Life of Brian or Jesus Christ Superstar, on the grounds that they are "offensive to Christians;" conservative Catholic groups are particularly fond of this tactic
Encouragement of anti-gay activists to eschew the words "gay" and "homosexual" in favor of such phrases as "unnatural vice" and "anti-Christian"
Global warming deniers whining about being called "deniers." They prefer the term "skeptic."
"Enhanced interrogation techniques"
"Homicide bombing"
Atheist billboards are seen as insensitive to Christians.
Republicans changing the names of committees in the House of Representatives to change "labor" to "workforce" and remove any mention of "civil rights"
Free speech zones
The Dixie Chicks causing controversy by criticizing George Bush
ward churchill getting blasted to high heavens for insulting innocent americans (although this was definitely justified)
The whole fox news "war on christmas" nonsense
are just as PC as liberals!
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The act of using the term Politically Correct in an political argument or debate in an effort to cover for not stating one's unpopular opinion. Mostly done out of cowardliness to avoid being criticized for sharing their unpopular opinion for fear of being ridiculed or in an effort to cheaply stifle someone's well explained opinion.
Being confronted with an well argued opinion opposed to Paul's point of view, Paul decided to play the Politically Correct Card instead of giving a proper counter argument.
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The right wing version of political correctness. It can be easily spottered with a sharp ear because most conservatives are easily butthurt men-women children.
Examples of conservative political correctness include:
Christian persecution(there is none)
Butthurt reaction when called a bigot
Offended by being called a racist when using racial slurs
When conservative women are called sluts
Whining about the word white trash
Whining about the expansion of LGBT rights
Whining about socialism(ie what the rest of the civilized world has.)
Calling Atheists godless or Satan worshipers
Using the words "White working class" when it doesn't exist. They are really moochers who pop meth and smoke heroine all day.
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a) The Quality of being both political and correct but where it is bad for some reason
b) This ongoing campaign by liberals but which no liberal remembers ever joining where words are systematically avoided or replaced in such away as not to marginalize anyone and progress discourse just like all ideologues everywhere do yet somehow that is bad and unique to liberals.
Probably just a blanket term invented by reactionaries which allows them to sound ironic and counter-Orwellian when really they are nominalizing all liberal thought in an attempt to homogenize it, discredit what could be fairly reasonable points by grouping it in with silly points and side-stepping the the responsibility to actually examine any terminology they find problematic on a case by case basis.
I kind of like political correctness because the alternative is being in the wrong. Clue is in the name.
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