Source Code

Hector Smells

hector does not smell. if he did smell like anything it would be sexy....or video games.

Hector does not smell.

by MickeyChickey October 4, 2003

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girl smell

Girl smell does not actually refer to any particular smell, but rather an idea. When a pretty girl walks by, and you catch a nice aroma, that's girl smell. Can also be written as girlsmell.

Me: *sniffs girl's hair*
Me: Mm, girl smell.

by X. Fluke January 2, 2014

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

smell play

Getting someone into the mood using a fart during that magical moment before the penis enters the vagina (or butthole). It could also happen as an accident or as a surprise.

She says, "Oh my God that smells like wet dog food! Do me now!"
His response, "That's smell play, baby. Here comes my dick!"

by dejo27 January 19, 2012

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Smell Test

A method (usually utilized only by the male population) to determine if an article of clothing is wearable. To administer the test, simply hold the piece of clothing to your nose and take a whiff. If the item passes the smell test (or smells relatively clean), it is generally assumed to be safe to wear. If the article smells like a gym locker, then it will usually be tossed aside and the wearer will look for another piece of clothing to wear instead.

I smell tested seven shirts this morning before I found this one to wear.

by .jaeD May 24, 2007

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Smell Pocket

A mysterious, invisible pocket of air that one enters while walking or driving that smells especially horrifying and rank compared environment one was walking or driving through just moments before.

sniff, sniff: "What is that awful stench?"
"Tough it out, I think we're just in a smell pocket."

by LizzyG. June 26, 2008

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smell fuck

smelling or sniffing the vagina or anus area.

I have AIDS so let's just smell fuck

by smellfucker December 2, 2010

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family smell

The smell that is familiar to ones family, household, or person. A scent that lingers around a relative group or common area.

My mom loves to bake cookies, therefore that is the reason my family and my house always smell like Tollhouse. Our family smell is baked goods.

by Anna Claire July 24, 2008

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