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Roman Sprinkler

Simultaneously having diarrhea, pissing, vomiting, and nose bleeding at the same time. If crying is involved, and it usually is, it's considered the fifth stream.

Paul: "Aw shit man! Were you at Club X last night?"

Randy: "Yeah, why."

Paul: "That bitch Kelly got so fucked up off of tacos and margaritas that she became a Roman sprinkler."

Randy: "So that's why everybody was slipping and sliding on the dance floor."

Paul: "Yeah. I'm hungry. Let's go get some tacos and margaritas."

by jerichosalvant October 16, 2009

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skeet sprinkler

The act of skeeting or ejaculating on one or many women (or mens if you are into that) faces and/or other body parts. Involving a sprinkler type action and back and forth motion with wide dispersion.

I gave that chick a skeet sprinkler.
Dry "lawns" require and occasional skeet sprinkling.

by spilky June 4, 2009

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tapioca sprinkler

A cumshot that sprays in all directions, leaving gobs of jizz everywhere within a 7 foot radius, hence like a sprinkler.

I didn't jack off for like a week, and when Cindy blew me I popped off like a bottle of bubbly(4). Sorry about the hair, well not really.

by Salvatore July 10, 2005

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mexican sprinkler

its when u piss in a womans butthole and the escaping gases blow urine all over you

golden shower booty mexican sprinkler anal urine

by SonnyKC September 15, 2009

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Crawford Sprinkler

When you have a tiny woman, who is also a squirter, she starts to come while your spinning her.

β€œThere we were, banging our brains out with her on top and while I’m turning her around, she gave ma Crawford Sprinkler!”

by Big Bear Show September 7, 2018

Alaskan Sprinkler

When you fuck your girlfriend so hard that she squirts and you pull out and run under it like a sprinkler

Yesterday I just did the Alaskan sprinkler with my girlfriend

by Tiny pickle April 2, 2022

Wine sprinkler

Performing a series of rapid 360 degree rotations whilst holding an open bottle of wine in each hand.

Jill: "Why is everyone we know angry at at you?"
Dan: "They got soaked when I performed a wine sprinkler at last week's party."

by The Senator's Daughter January 23, 2012