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Virtual Villager

An insult taken from the popular Last Day of Work game series, Virtual Villagers. Is often used to accentuate laziness, ineptitude, or dorkiness.

Tim: I was way to tired to get up for work today, I know I'll never get that promotion, but at least I can play Plant Tycoon.

Mark: Dude, you are being such a Virtual Villager.

by Artemis Vandelay June 13, 2011

Virtual Angels

Digital Angels’ girlfriend (extremely nice + underrated, there’s a lot of false accusations about her)

Virtual Angels is pog

by occurance February 8, 2021

Virtual Blonde

A person who behaves as a blonde regardless of hair color.

Just listen to that gaggle over by the mall food court. I don't care what their hair color looks like, they're all virtual blondes.

by Virslinda July 26, 2012

Virtual Drama

Drama that is caused by talking on instant messaging or social networking sites (i.e. Myspace, Facebook)

Usually involves no physical contact throughout the whole drama experience.

Girl #1: Becky and Sydney got in a huge fight on Facebooklast night over Becky's boyfriend! They both logged off but they logged back on this morning and apologized.

Girl #2: Ugh, Virtual Drama.

by SouthSystems March 16, 2009

Virtually All

When something is essentially true in totality. Generally within the range of 96-99%.

Only a couple of birds can’t fly, meaning virtually all birds have the gift of flight.

by Jamie Griffin February 19, 2020

2👍 1👎

Virtual ass

a cyberjerk; cyberbully

Brad is such a virtual ass! He tells me perverted things without considering how I feel.

by johnrobel April 25, 2015

Virtual Bluetooth

When people are talking as though they had a Bluetooth device on but they don't.

Who is Marilyn talking to?

She's on Virtual Bluetooth.

by PrincetonTiger October 18, 2008