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A word one uses in service of doing something one likes but is afraid others will think isn’t cool, to cover oneself and seem cool doing it. (Bears no actual relationship to either the traditional meaning or whatever that Alanis Morrisette song was doing)

Sure, Transformers are for 10 year olds, but I’m wearing this shirt ironically.

by Commenternotabot June 2, 2023


A very common misspelling/mispronunciation of "moronic".

"I watch the Twilight movies ironically."
"You mean moronically."

by causticAnatomy June 10, 2017


When something u want or have is good and something weird happens haha

Wow how ironic, look he has brand new windshield wipers for smashed up windows

by Mnj85 July 29, 2021


An event happening right after talking about similar events.

Person 1: I use to party in the fields in old barns
Person 2: Well the Ironic thing is, I got invited to one that is just like how you describe your youth.

by MintelPier October 6, 2019


Irony is a figure of speech that writers use to express a phrase or sentence used in such a way that it differs from the meaning shown in the text.

Bo: I believe in the zodiac. I'm a leo actually, love titanic. Actually my grandmother was a cancer and.. she um.. died by a giant crab.

James: I don't know if that's ironic or just comedy.

Bo: Both

by EyeAIDS October 28, 2019


When you need to be somewhere for dinner and you literally got taken there for lunch that same day. And you usually never go at all!

it's ironic I got taken here earlier today and now I'm paying to come back!

by SammmyS July 25, 2017


using or characterized by irony.

*Gloopert responding to Bernard Wilson*
Gloopert: You're a random
Bernard Wilson: That is Ironic

by bernardwilson December 23, 2023