Will: I got a new pair of shoes from Gucci
Dale, that is so period ah period uh
a dumb song that a girl made on tiktok and went viral for no reason
"brit barbie... period ah period uh period ah period uh period ah period uh period ah period uh, i am period ah u are period uh, period ah period uh period ah period uh"
I dont even know what this shi mean
Me: so what we finna play on the radio
Period ah - something good
Period uh - something ugly/bad/gross
"Oh my gosh you just cobra kicked that dude? Period ah!"
"Oh my lordy lord you just got defeated by Miyagi-do! Period uh.."
Period ah period uh means brit barbie
Television that can only be viewed by people who get periods.
Steve: Have you seen the period drama on BBC iPlayer recently?
Roger: Are you from Syria? I’m a man
Steve: Your loss. I’m just in touch with my inner vaj
When you are surrounded by a new group of females who you interact with often enough your period becomes contagious in the group of said females. You get your period and it is quickly spread throughout the group, at such a magnitude everyone’s periods begin getting effected-usually appearing sooner than expected.
Period plague in the all girls office-I’m here all of the time, & I’ve had my period for 12 out of the 14 weeks I’ve been here.
omg becky is so not period ah, shes period uh