Source Code

Indiana Jones cobbler

When a nazi guy with glasses opens the ark of the covenant with full intention of it melting his skin off. while this is happening, he walks over to the ark and takes a shit in it while masturbating his quickly detioriating penis. the nepalese bar owning woman can be giving a reach around to indiana jones.

Kyle: You're supposed to throw out the free Indiana Jones game that comes with the X Box 360.

Laird: Not until I do the Indiana Jones cobbler on the nazis. I'm gonna shit in that ark.

Kyle: C'mon Laird, that's my religion your shitting on.

Laird: I have not regrets in life.

by Nipplecardboard January 5, 2009

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The Quincey Jones Whistlebox

Circumsizing Quincey Jones and then buzzing through the foreskin, thus creating a pleasant Kazoo-like sound.

Sho Nuff! when my girl plays me that Quincey Jones Whistlebox it gets my juices running.

by John Whittaker February 13, 2004

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mike jones treatment

in reference to lyrics in Badd by ying yang twins and mike jones- Givin' her that mike jones treatment

meaing to fuck the shit outa sum girl

Ayo, i meat this dime last night, i took her to the crib and i gave her the mike jones treatment.

by corey689767 May 13, 2006

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mike jones phone

a Metro PCS phone. Called mike jones phone because of pcs shitty service and dropped calls, and because of mike jones' popular motto...mike who??? it is used.

aye let me use your mike jones phone!!! i need to make a call n shit.

by shaboobalaboopymang May 6, 2006

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dirty luke jones

Act of nutting in your sister called Ella and the next day your friends call you Nutella meaning that you nutted in your sisters hole.

Yo Nutella, how you doing today you dirty dirty Luke jones.

by My.nutted.in.me.help July 14, 2022

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jones middle school

it’s the worst school in gwinnett county . ppl are gay asf including annoying ass teachers that’ll give yo ass a conference for dating someone and a citation for having your phone in your lap . also following by gay ass administration. oh and everyone’s fakee , if u go to jms i’d say keep ur shit to urself . overall , it’s ass

sally : what school do you go to
me : jones middle school
sally : BITCH EW .

by whatsup292 July 13, 2019

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Bridget Jones moment

any occasion or instance (like reunions) that forces you to converse awkwardly with people knowing they'll be throwing condescending remarks and questions about pathetic aspects of your life e.g. being perennially single

I bumped into Dennis earlier. Thank God he had to go right away! You know how he loves putting people in a Bridget Jones moment.

by jmboytoma July 29, 2010

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