the act of shaving off all your pubes and sprinkling them on any type of food or over a pussy
dude i just ate a pube pizza with my pube seasoning
That's what you have to say every crabz season! Fuck my actual life, crabz are fucking stupid.
Hym "Aw, shit guys, I guess it's, crabz season. I guess I'll have to go around. The tidal wave of crabz is crossing the fucking street so I guess I'll take a fucking detour. That or I'm the asshole running over crabz. Fuck crabz. They should throw me a fucking parade for running over those little cock-suckers. You're welcome."
When it seems like you are going to have the biggest,greatest,fattest nut of your life and then someone walks in and you have to abandon ship
Person 1: How was last week
Person 2: Good but I had to do a GOT season 8 when my rm walked in
Person 1:That sucks
When it's changing seasons and you don't know what season it's changing to.
Today is October but are we headed into Winter or Summer? Wouldn't know. That is seasonal confusion.
buzz season is essentially when men embrace their masculinity and shave off all of their hair. females hate it, and that’s the best part😈
brodie it’s buzz season, kate’s gonna hate me but idec
Oh man! It's so fucking good! "I'd call you a cunt but you lack both the warmth and the depth?" Genius! I died.
Hym "I don't know where all the hate for The Boys season 4 if coming from. This shit is great! Homelander's relationship with Sister Sage is great. The pacing is good. I don't see what the problem is. Oh! They gave Simon Peg permeation! Metal! And horrific! It's the best power! And they went with displacement. It's got to be the gay shit. They really need to let that shit go. The show still holds up and New Black Noir is hilarious."