One who doesn't have a clue what the hell they are saying.
A kid that goes to Starkville and gets messed up.
Dumbs that have trucks but don't use them.
People that dip.
Anyone that thinks they are a bulldog.
Anybody that chides
Wow, that kid is being a true def!
two ways as way to get off your tits and Vegas
it's a true ways away
I need some WD40 I've got some in the back oh true ways.
I know what the fuck you too sad but true ways hey
The hottest girl in town. Who constantly ignores you. Steals your girl friend. And laughs all the way to the bank. And it's really smart to. Dammit
See that boss bitch over there. The one standing next to a true Brittany.
True AE is true as ever. This is the truest something can be and the opposite of False.
Teacher: Freud was projecting
Tahj: Trueeee, that is true AE
When some sort of opinion is commonly accepted within a ghetto (usually insulting someone or another group of people.)
I'm from wisconsin, how would I know
yea, it's just ghetto true yo
It is an unofficial political party in the US that is based off world politics, not US politics. A moderate in the US is between the Democratic and Republican parties while a True Moderate is in the center of the Political Compass.
I'm happy that the True Moderates are fighting for free health care. I hope they succeed.
Someone who always gives their all in everything they do. Continually strives to get ahead soley for the benefit of those they love. Even if it means working two full time jobs. A person that never turns a blind eye to someone in need and does there best to help even when they are not asked for help. A person that is there for you no matter what. You can depend on them 24-7 365 and they will never say no to you unless they are obligated to something else. The kind of person that can make even the angriest person smile at the time of fury. Every life they touch in any way will improve with at least some significance. A person who treats people like people and animals like animals not the other way around. A person who when they commit to something will always follow through and never let you down. Someone who will always accept responsibility for what they've done but NEVER expect credit or praise for who they are. A person who is kind, caring, empathetic, honest, moral, genuine, communicative, understanding, compromising, charitable, calming to be around, an amazing listener and never judging.
Everyone loves Paul because he's a true humanitarian.