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sausage roll

A popular pastry dish. It is a sausage wrapped in pastry. Comparable to the larger, vegatable and beef filled cornish pasty

I had a sausage roll for tea

My cornish pasty owns the fuck out of your lame ass n00b sausage roll

by We-kill-suckers July 31, 2006

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Dookie Roll

A homemade culinary treat consumed in correctional facilities, especially in the South in places like TN. This delicacy is prepared in-cell with a common plastic sandwich baggie. It most commonly consists of finely smashed up and moistened cookies, crackers, commissary candy, a little coffee, milk from the breakfast tray, some peanut butter if available, and maybe even some soggy honeybun for those inmates partial to a fluffier roll. After the roll is done it resembles is human terd and should be consumed immediately so the heat from the cooks hands adds to the experience.

Hey dude, you can have my tray tonight for a shot of coffee and your cookies or graham crackers... Iโ€™m a make a dookie roll after head count.

by GringoTN September 29, 2019

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roll troll

A person who leaves just enough toilet paper on the roll so that they don't have to change it (i.e. just a square), but it's never even close to being enough for the next person to use.

Yo, who's the roll troll? Can someone bring me another roll of TP?

by Allie85 February 22, 2011

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Compton Roll

When you want people to think you have alot of money, but you don't so you put your biggest bill over (such as a twenty) over your smaller bills (such as ones) , so it looks thick. A reverse compton roll would be hiding your biggest bill, with smaller bills. So people think you're broke and don't hit you up for money.

I got a date because I showed my compton roll, she thinks I have alot of money.

by msdictionary23 May 31, 2009

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Rick Roll

You heard Somebody say "I got rickrolled again!" and went here.
You try to get your free robux and get linked to Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley. Haha.

"Wait this isn't Free Robux why is this the Rick Roll Link"
"THIS ISN'T THE Rick Roll LINK WHY IS THIS All The Single Furries"

by I Write Random Explanations June 11, 2020

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rick roll

The ancient art of trickery known by man for many millennia. To send someone to the realm of eternal shame and despair that they will feel for many hours.

Man 1: Hey, I found this cool video
Man 2: What is it?
Man 1: *Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)*
Man 2: ... SHIT
Man 1 : Haha, classic rick roll

by IsItWrongToButterMyAss April 27, 2020

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rolling dome

road head. getting brain in the turning lane. highway delight.

dude, last night on the way back to my house, rebecca couldn't wait to get nasty so she gave me some rolling dome.

by road king January 26, 2011

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