When a partner keeps threatening divorce in a marriage. They don’t think the divorce will actually ever happen, and are using the threat of divorce as a form of control.
He played divorce chicken and lost.
When you’re too scared to tell the truth because you’re afraid of pissing off your boss who you asskiss to keep your job.
Refers to Attorney General Barr, who refused to appear before a House hearing.
Chicken Barr should have showed up today," Cohen later said. "It's a sad day in America."
The act of lifting ones boob with your hand.
I totally jus gave him a chicken patty him
A type of chicken that is so badly made that it tastes and looks terrible , usally served with ketchup.
42:yo have you tried the deblanko chicken?
Instinct:what in gods name is that monstrosity
Lui Tai Ying (Serene) is a teacher who teaches life and society in LSC . She is normal good , but she dislikes students who talk when walking up the stairs . She also hates students who do not hand in homework , and disrespects classes whose performance is the worst . As she looks like a chicken , everyone calls her chicken lui.
Scenario 1 : student chatting while walking up the stairs.
Chicken lui : Why soooooo many of you are talking ! If you want to talk , go back down and chat before you come up !!!!!!
Scenario 2 : Students in a class not handing in homework
Chicken lui : Why sooooo many of you didn’t submit your work ?!?! Is it because your class is the worstttttt in the whole form ?
I haven’t seen a class as worst as this class for sooooo many years !!!!!
Chicken in biscuit and creamy honey roasted Peter Pan peanut butter.
Everyone loves a good Chicken-Peter!
The definition of hell in one damn chicken
“Satan summoned the cobra chicken to terrorize the Canadians for being too nice”
-thy holey didle