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Someone who is so proud of themselves, they fuck up their country. Including, they happen to be the most selfish humans, be careful.

British can be selfish, be careful.

by Don't-Assume-Before-Me February 17, 2016

9👍 8👎


Kind pleasant people you have to gain respect from.
Anybody who is a British citizen whether new citizens or not will have Britishness in them.
Britishness is having a dark sense of humour yet understanding it is a joke and not taking things very seriously.Britishness is being cool calm and collected when you have to be and Britishness is also be very respectful to all kinds of people no matter who they are. Britishness is about accepting people even if you don’t fully understand who they are or why they are.
Britishness is being able to make sounds and them have meanings for example ‘gobbldygoop’ which means someone’s talking absolute rubbish.
Britishness is considering ourselves better than the Americans as we are much much more accepting and have a lot less extremists. We would all like to meet an Aussie Canadian or a New Zealander as they seem very pleasant and very similar and very kind yet still not on par with Britishness.
There are lots of different types of Britishness throughout the 4 nations as Britishness is very regional unlike the USA where everything is much bigger and most slang is the same everywhere.

‘Britishness is great

by Britannia Rules the waves! October 28, 2020


A past tense verb, used to describe the act of speaking in a British accent, usually with British colloquialisms.

"Bloody thank you, you bumbling bugger" he britished playing with his beardy thing.

by Detsniy April 2, 2014


british people. we're normal people. yea you get the chavs and roadman but it's not as bad as you think. we don't all drink tea. we don't all say "wagwan bruv what you sayin". we don't know the queen. AND NO. WE DON'T ALL HAVE MASSIVE EYEBROWS. oh also, majority of us DO know millie b and soph aspin sends. little t's music, we all know it unless you're posh :) we don't all say love either 😭

what americans think "i'm british love, would you like a cup of tea darling?"
what we actually say "im bri ish, you wanna meet at maccies?"

by if u don't know me i'm m to b August 14, 2020

2👍 2👎


A person from England. Nice enough people, very good beer, similar culture and sense of humor to that of the US. Except for the ones who need to constantly slag off/rag on the US, refering to it as "a colony" and insisting that Americans pronounce and spell words incorrectly because Americans have different customs etc...Basically Americans wish that the ex-pat Brits who act as if as if they ran the world would kindly leave. Not all brits are whinging poms, both Eric Idle and John Cleese have settled in the US and they seem to get along just fine. It's the British that seem to despise anything slightly different from home that we are sick of. The rest of you are welcome to come on over!

Just as there is the "ugly American" tourist stereotype, there are "Awful Brits" that travel around and give the English people in general a bad name. The British often "win" world's worst tourist titles because of this.

The british lout became upset that the word "color" was spelt without a "u" in the US and decided to pontificate about the superiority of the English. The nerve of another country - having different ways of doing things!

When the waiter mistakenly asked if he was Australian due to his accent, the British tourist loudly berated the man for being a "typically stupid American", not realising that the waiter was actually Canadian.

by gingernyc September 4, 2007

57👍 130👎


People from the England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Although the tag is not appreciated by many in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The stereotype British is either very lower class has a sunburned bald head, wears an England jersey, could get in a fist fight with his mother and spouts endless tuneless dirges about 'Engerland'. The alternative is being so posh they can't close their mouths. In reality not near as bad as the stereotypes in general but much of their football supporters should be put down like dogs. A great many of the worlds best inventions came from here and grudgingly I admit it would be markedly different without them. Now much less important in the grand scheme of things than a few hundred years ago and having trouble dealing with it. Can have an annoying type of arrogance that seems to stem from not realising many people of different races are still a bit angry about having their culture stripped of them in a barbaric and cruel fashion. This kind of stuff is not really taught in the school system as many are ashamed of it now. Their main critics are the Irish who were relatively happy left to their own devices before the 700 hundred years of oppression, the Scottish who think they're wankers, the Aussies who think they're pussies and the French who dont like anyone.

The British are alright I suppose but they knock more than their fair share of wankers for the size of the country. Still they churn out some damn fine comedy both on TV and stand up

by Smoky D November 15, 2006

55👍 127👎


The filthy British (English). A race of cock eyed, rat breeding, mud eating, goat lovers. They truely are the arse of mankind.

Responsible for many triumphs against humanity, such as: Common law; The Domesday book; and the Protestant church.

British culture is an oxymoron in sense, as "british culture" seems to be a vacuum of any traditional culture, and has instead manifested into a sh*tbucket of violence and social degredation. They have little regard for personal hygiene. (*note: As birthplace of the English language it is somewhat ironic that the citizenry of England are least able to express it).

Unable to play sport. The English psyche has lost all ability to participate in a sporting environment. They lack the required restraint and out of frustration will often withdraw to basic animal-like behaviour.

Worships a decrepant inbred family from Germany.

Drinks Fosters beer, which is infact 30% Australian urine.

Australian: Hello, how are you today?
British: Wat bruv??? u wona go et it aye? leme finoosh snoggin mey sista den ima keel yoo. oink oink grrrr meow.

by TaghMor March 1, 2008

93👍 249👎