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Moral Crusader

1.A person who always tries to "right" a situation and in the end just ends up being a total asshole. 2. A person who tries to prove everyone else wrong in order to uphold their skewed position.

Person 1: "Anyone want to go see this show?"

Person 2:"Of course, how much is it and when is it?"

Person 1: "Oh wait, this is too expensive. Never mind. I'll just go by myself then because I doubt other people would care enough to pay this amount of money."

Moral Crusader:"I think that is wrong to say you already bought a ticket and you don't want other people to go because you're already afraid of them rejecting before you said the price. You asked, so now you've gotta deal with it. And as for the price, don't say nevermind, don't go, you won't get a chance for a ticket because they sell out even though I got one already and they're expensive, implied, making it so they wont wanna go, so you, once again, aren't rejected. If they wanna go, they'll go. If not, ok. But this was quite pointless if you were just gonna end up saying those things."

by isddgy September 9, 2013

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Coochie Crusader

They are the people that find a cure for STDs and they can kick the baddies out of the coochie (the holy land).

My friend, Kevin Easley, is my favorite Coochie Crusader!

by 倧男孩子 September 23, 2019

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Keyboard crusader

A person who spends most of there time preaching religious words on the internet. Much like a keyboard warrior, but fight for god on the internet.

GodLov3sYou: There is NO hate in God. God isο»Ώ LOVE.

Loldogzx: STFU and GTFO you keyboard crusader

by O-DOGGIES July 12, 2012

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burning crusade

The Worst thing to happen to WoW

god I miss raiding MC, Burning crusade is just a lot of flashy lights and overpowered/easy to aquire, gear

by Warriorllol October 31, 2007

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Cervix Crusader

A huge penis (usually belonging belonging to a black man) that is so big it hurts when used in action.

Sally: Man his cervix crusader was so big that my diaphram was sore the next mornin'.

by Barry Manillow November 23, 2006

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Cut crusader

A guy without the hood around the tip of the penis.

"Dude are you a hooded hero or a cut crusader?"
"Why do you want to know, that's gay bro?"

by Chris.is.gay February 6, 2020

pussy crusader

bunch of baddies in one spot

i heard the pussy crusaders were out the other day
yeah they really looted the houses of parliament, i wish i was a pussy crusader

by mekaaa June 12, 2022