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A term some retarded people at buzzfeed made up. Used for when a man explains something, and they don't like the way he used a sentence structure, so they claim he is being condescending.

Mentally Disabled 1: "Did you hear that dude telling his girlfriend how to feed his cat while he was away? Totally mansplaining!"
Mentally Disabled 2: "Yes! We should send this to buzzfeed!"

by nuclear.germany June 17, 2018

15πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A man whom by virtue of the authority and privilege vested in him by society feels entitled to preach or explain how the world works. Bonus, if he is speaking to women, whom he perceives to be naive and ignorant, about problems and concerns with which women have real life every day experience, and the man has NO fucking clue what he is talking about. This is usually done in a patronizing insensitive manner.

A mansplainer lectures on gynecology, menstruation or gender oppression to women.

Ex. I think women should...
The problem with women today is...

by Hemmatime & Bstillo January 11, 2013

489πŸ‘ 923πŸ‘Ž


When a dumb as rocks dude tries to Mansplainer something or other technical to a woman who is his senior, or his boss, at work

Troy, Hey, so how about stopping the Mansplainer thing to folks, women for example, who are clearly your senior and/or your boss

by Finger me Bottom April 28, 2023


To explain in a condescending, oversimplified, and often inaccurate manner, without regard to the fact that the explainee knows more than the explainer, usually done by a man to a woman.

Not all condescending explanations are mansplaining; the term does not apply when the man in question is indeed more knowledgeable about the topic than the woman.

Mansplaining usually occurs on the topic of sexism, feminism, or gender inequality, but not always. For example, a male programmer could mansplain coding to a woman, despite the woman having more qualifications and writing better-quality code.

Related terms include whitesplain, straightsplain, and cisplain. The overarching thread is someone privileged explaining something to someone less privileged, about a topic the explainer knows less about.

A: β€œStop mansplaining. You have no idea what it feels like to be subjected to sexism.”
B: β€œFeminists are ridiculous! Mansplaining is when a man’s point is discredited just because he’s male, not because he’s wrong!”
A: β€œWhat the hell, did you just mansplain mansplaining to me?”

by cutesy pastel living doll June 1, 2020

25πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


The tendency of some men to mistakenly believe that they automatically know more about any given topic than does a woman and who, consequently, proceed to explain to her- correctly or not- things that she already knows.

Woman A: When he started mansplaining to me what it really meant to be a woman in the 21st century, I got up and left.

Woman B: Really, what else could you do?

by miriald January 8, 2011

2997πŸ‘ 6397πŸ‘Ž


Mansplaining - explaining something with common words, activly avoiding technical and proffesional language

the pen warriors at the office just gave me this document, i dont understand it. can you mansplain this to me?

"...when you pressurise this thingamajigger this part wil move out of the way, revealing this hole and blocking the other..." -yeah yeah, stop mansplaining. i am not a child!

by cockford ollie December 5, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A bullshit term used by supposed feminists (read: misandrists) to dismiss any logical and/or factual explanation by a man simply because they have issues with men.

Woman: "Men are more privileged than women in almost all areas of life."
Man: "That's not true. We're mostly alone and treated with contempt, nobody cares about our problems, and if we're useless for any reason, we're left to die."
Woman: "Please. Save me your mansplain of how you have it worse than us."
Man: ".... what?"

by Davis The Untamed July 19, 2020

63πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž