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underground church

a type of church that has the same general theology as christian churches and believes in the same God (the trinity: father, son, holy spirit) as your local baptist church, except these churches are filled with subcultural christians. the punks, goths, hardcore kids, bikers, hippies, etc generally gather here. The main difference in these churches, besides the obvious outer appearance of those inside of the church, is the focus on love and grace. people in underground churches don't appreciate religion, because they feel that religion is man's attempt to get to God, but in reality, God already provided that bridge through Jesus... so religion is worthless. God is not just a set of rules, do's and don'ts... He is alive and moving, and loves everyone just the same.

you'll more than likely never here the words "youre going to hell", or anything else that you've probably associated christianity with inside these churches or from the mouth of those who attend, because more than likely...they're just as fed up, if not more, with the state of Christianity in america than you are. while they do practice bibilcal principles, the concept of condemnation doesnt really fit in there. No matter who you are, where you've come from, or what youve done... you're on equal ground.

Our generation is searching for the truth, and the 'truth' most of the modern church is claiming to have is not right. it's not about huge churches, the prosperity gospel ("if you give, you'll get more in return!"...selfish motive? what?), and entertainment, your appearance, etc. its about Jesus. Period. It's about our generation being aware of their relationship with God and how much he really does love you, despite what society tells you. underground churches push the limits of Spirituality, and often times are shunned by mainstream churches as being 'wrong', when in reality, we're after the same thing they are (awareness of faith), just in a different package. ironic, huh?

the underground church movement goes back a decade or two, and one of the most famous underground churches is Revolution, Atlanta. Founded by son of Jim and tammy faye bakker... Jay bakker started this revolutionary ministry over ten years ago. Other churches have followed behind, such as deliverance bible church in dallas, texas and Rise Above in San Antonio, Texas...and multiple other underground churches are popping up everywhere.

In summary, Underground Churches are christianity with a generational twist relevant to those that mainstream mega churches possibly can't reach. A place where everyone can come and experience the love of our Creator without feeling like an outcast or like they have to live up to a certain false perception of what a "christian" really is. It's not a denomination or a religion, they're just after Jesus...and forming communities of people with the same interests and love for God. for more information, I suggest reading Son of a Preacher Man: My Search for Grace in the Shadows by Jay Bakker.

1. that church where all the punks and goths go is an underground church.

2. i think underground churches are awesome. there are many all over the world, and they're all geared towards different types of people, from punks and bikers, to hippies.

3. I think if I had to sum up underground churches in one word it would be "Revolution".

by kdav December 21, 2005

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Democratic Underground

A message board for racist white elitists to pretend to be "progressive" when in all actuality they're further to the left than Reagan.

"Did you see what George II posted on Democratic Underground about African Americans and voting rights"
"Did you see Brooklynite brag about being rich for the 300th time and then make a thread supporting trickle down economics"

by Progressive Tom June 10, 2021

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Democratic Underground


1. A site where Progressives and Liberals can discuss, and often disagree, on the state of this country.

2. A site where thinking people can conjugate and be free of the incessant RW claptrap that passes as "thought"

3. A site where Progressives and Liberals find solace in a Sea of Hatred tossed by RW fanatics.

I went to Democratic Underground, to be a part of a Thinking world that is looking forward to no longer being "Underground", but Free to discuss the problems the RW has vented upon the world, without being slandered.

by rasputin1952 January 14, 2005

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Smug's Underground

Smug's underground is
a place on the internet where people who are too smart to be popular, but not smart enough to get away with it, gather. The Smug Underground is a secret community of free-thinkers and thinkers that doesn't take themselves seriously. We're here for the ideas, we don't care about your status or your title. Come join us! You'll fit right in.
The Smug Underground was created by an anonymous group of writers from all over the world, united by their common interest in getting rid of freedom of thought, speech, expression, action, belief, opinion, lifestyle, religion, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, language, culture, ideology, origin, wealth, power, or anything else. They want you to believe what they say, think what they say, do as they say, be like them, dress like them, live like them, love like them, hate like them, have no will of your own, obey every order given to you without question, accept everything at face value, and most importantly: never ever dare disagree with any member of the Smug Underground.

Hi, I'm from Smug's Underground

by Ryfried July 16, 2021

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Reef Underground

A backyard coral shop, ring the door bell and a bald man will come from the depths of hell to sell you a coral.

Reef Underground is a backyard hobby coral shop

by Cairns Marine June 22, 2023

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Underground Music

A term used by pretentious musical elitists to deflect criticisms and to feel superior. Underground Music is simply music that has not yet gained widespread fame and notoriety. Listening to Underground music does not make you elite; it only means you discovered it through channels other than popular mass media.
Many fans of artists like to maintain the label of "Underground" even though the band or artist has gained success and notability. One example is Minneapolis Hip-Hop duo Atmosphere's maintained underground reputation, despite their having had sold millions of albums and being recognizable nationwide.

Underground music is essentially the opposite of mainstream music.

Ex 1) Musical Elitist: How can you listen to Eminem? He was only good when he was underground.

Ex 2) A real Underground Musician is Apex Predator, because he is local to Long Beach, and is not commercially successful or widely known.

by Assjuyo Patruyo April 5, 2011

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Underground Pornstar

Some super hot babe that you find posing naked on the interweb. She must be superior to the common pornstar.

Yo Younger, come check out Sweet Adri, she is definitly my new favorite Underground Pornstar.

by Cheech's ball fro December 2, 2009

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