He is your father and deep down you f**king know it so stop being a p**sy and say: "Yes Dad! Lets stop by at your favourite Coffee Shop and talk about how you toootaly killed Mom."
Standup (and totally gay) Comedian Joe who used to be a doctor but was fired for sexual misconduct: "Did you know Darth Vader's testicles got burned off along with his legs and those gorgeously handsome eyebrows. I just wish I could’ve been there to save it so that it could be added to my wonderful collection.
Entire room: Cricket! Cricket! CRICKEEET!!!
A character from Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic.
Revan is dude a who went to the highest extremes to ensure stability and peace in the Galaxy.
He became a Sith Lord out of necessity after experiencing a vision of the future, which showed a large Sith Empire hailing from the Unknown Regions taking over the known Galaxy.
He believed the Jedi and the Republic were woefully unprepared for the coming Sith threat, so he planned to conquer the Republic and transform it into a militarised Sith Empire in order to fight against this coming threat.
He almost conquered the Republic by:
Converting Jedi to his cause
Assassinating corrrupt senators and replacing them with ones loyal to his cause
Keeping Shipyards intact to fuel his Sith armadda
Revan's own obsession with stopping this vision from coming true was what led to his downfall. He was betrayed by his own apprentice, Darth Malak. Revan's constant obsession with his long term plan made him blind to the anger and rage consuming Malak. When he finally realised his apprentice's intent to kill him and take the mantle of Dark Lord, it was too late.
Revan surived Malak's betrayal, but his mind was shattered and his memories were lost.
Stupendous Wave : Darth Revan is a Gray Jedi!
Me : No he isn't you fucking donkey, Darth Revan is a Sith went to the highest extremes to ensure galactic stability. He was never Gray
Similar to going postal & apeshit, this is the fanboy's style for saying it. Named after Darth Vader from Star Wars, who was "legendary" for killing people for the tiniest mistakes or for results that were less than hoped for.
Steve: Oh man, that drive thru bitch forgot your straw.
Jane: I'm going to kill that dumb bitch and her parents, brothers, sisters and her little dog too!
Steve: Going Darth again, dear?
Official IFunny pedo. Manages to get 14 year olds to suck him off while he is still right below the gay bar. Darth ren is a chad
“ your acting like a Darth ren lmao”
The ultimate of all ultimate Sith lords. He was the twin brother of Palpatine aka Darth sidious. He was so powerful with unimaginable power from the dark side. He remained in hiding secretly watching over Palpatine ruling the empire. Even Palpatine would never dare to challenge his twin. After the fall of the empire, Darth Ratzinger flet to a very far away unknown planet full of humans, called the Earth. There he tricked the earthlings with his god level powers and became religious leader, under the alias, Pope Benedict XVI and rules over them. At his prime before the Empire's beginning all Jedi and Sith feared him, even Yoda himself.
Darth Ratzinger is the most OP Sith lord. He's an identical twin brother of Palpatine, but stronger that all Jedi and sith in the galaxy fears him.
Main antagonist of Vicca Fett. Dreaming on overthrowing Vicca Fett to be the daimyo of Diseröd.
“Darth W0pêñk has a arrived, Shall we inform Vicca Fett?
“Yes, Make his Picanto ready for use”
Space Alien from Star War that has a helmet like a lady's haircut.
Darth Vador is so mean. I wish he would leave Yoda and Chewbo alone.