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a child that dresses like a prostitute

that group of kids was a brothel of prostitots

by artemOP September 10, 2018


An underage girl acting like a real hooker.

I feel bad because my 12 year old girl became a prostitot.

by mikethewizard August 17, 2018


Little girls ages 8-16 who dress like hookers and act as them also. Mostly found at malls, where parents can drop them off

That girl is such a prostitot look how short her skirt is.

by DukesyDaisy May 16, 2013


A midget prostitute and/or prostitute in training.

Aw, look! Look at the adorable little prostitot!

by StormySarah September 29, 2016


I minor female who dresses like a hooker

Look at those prostitots! Too bad they aren't legal

by Chum Chum May 7, 2013


A combination of prostitue and tots. The young girls (middle school age) who dress far too slutty and act far too obnoxious for any person, especially none at their age.

Victoria's Secret is always packed with prostitots.

by Colorado Spirit January 29, 2012


Prostitute that looks 12 acts 12 and lacks experience,excepts cookies and milk for payment. But is over 18

Me: That prostitute doesn't even look of age with her 80 pound ass, a size cup boobs and pigtails Grinding on That old bum over there. Kim: We call that a prostitot.

by ACharlesFrankProduction June 29, 2022