The American political party that protects the interests of the very wealthy and corporations by lowering their tax and regulatory burden, and making it easier for businesses to get cheap labor and cheap natural resources both at home and abroad.
Since the natural constituency for this agenda is very small, the party panders to religious zealots, racists, and the marginally retarded. Fortunately for the Republicans, the issues that activate this base usually cost nothing and have almost no overlap with their actual economic agenda.
Among wealthy: We need a Republican congress to get rid of that dreadful inheritance tax.
Among stupid: It was the Republicans what said we gonna git a flag burning amendment.
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(1) One who does not understand the concept of kindness, generocity, and compassion.
(2) One who believes that people in other countries are worthless, and may be used as pawns for any use deemed by fellow Republicans.
(3) One who constitutes "terrorism" as something only done by others, not themselves.
(4) One who enforces racism, inequality, a false entirely subjective God, and murder.
(5) One who is privileged enough to have inherited a lum of cash from their parents, that they need not worry about very real, very urgent social and monetary problems of others.
Thanks to Republicans little Johnny, your mother and father are being sent off to fight a non-threatening war so that our President can have more money, while we can't afford to buy new shoes even though they're too small.
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1. Ignorant people, who like sending other people's kids to be shot to pieces so their shares in oil-companies will give them a comfortable retirement, in the few years before they burn in hell for eternity.
2. Those who's children should be drafted.
Republicans say the poor and the disabled only cost them money, so they want to have them killed in the line of 'patriotic duty', instead of their own whoring, drunk, trustfund offspring.
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an individual who is willing to sacrifice themlives of other people's children so long as his children are not at risk.
one who would have his country revert back to the 19th century if he could find any way to make it happen.
an individual who is willing to lie to the whole world in order to coax them into war.
a total assclown. see also George W. Bush
i can't believe George told the whole world that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and now, thousands of deaths later there aren't any.
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An American incapable of understanding or speaking the truth. A person uniquely deserving to feel pain and humiliation.
George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Delay
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(Noun) Member of the United States' Republican Party, first emerging in the mid 1800s as an anti-slavery movement. Success of candidate Abraham Lincoln in the Presidential election of 1860 sparked the American Civil War. The party has since moved on to other issues. Republicans today are characterized by typically right-wing, conservative beliefs including but by no means limited to pro-business policies, lack of dependence on the government in daily life, religious convictions, and desire to outlaw what they deem socially undesirable actions.
(Adjective) Typical or characteristic of a Republican or the Republican party.
1. George W. Bush was the Republican candidate for President in 2004.
2. He holds Republican ideals.
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One who becomes aware of all political problems in the US when a Democrat is president.
I can't believe what's been happening in America since that Democrat was elected. Destruction of civil liberties, supporting the banks, endless war? Not with a Republican in the White House!
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