Source Code

Scrap Monkey

A person who is battling around the workplace with nothing better to do

"Raph do some work ya Kiwi scrap monkey"

by Discojoeyjoe June 26, 2015

Scrap Mechanic

A 3D physics-based sandbox made and published by Axolot Games. It currently has three game modes: Creative, Survival, and Challenge. Creative mode includes blueprints to save, load, and share your creations. You have unlimited parts but the world is not infinite. Challenge mode is where you can build or play race courses, puzzles, (and even math tests). It is built in with a timer so people can try to speedrun your challenges. Survival mode is the most recent and beautiful mode. You fight robots, build cars to travel between factories, build trucks to move your items between areas, build rockets to fool around, build farms, and build bases around your farms to protect them from robots. Its Minecraft on steroids, and it only costs $20 on Steam.

"I spent 20 hours on Scrap Mechanic this week! Could you help me with building the automatic turrets in survival mode?"

by AnotherPersonWanderingTheWeb November 2, 2020

goon scrap

An altercation of many goons over a dumb ting

I was at the duke's crib till some beans wanted to start a goon scrap.

by Beanazzzz June 14, 2017


A word used normally when someone realises that they have forgotten something or have not done something the right way; Used to express surprise; Scrap contains the two words 'Crap' and 'Snap' that equal "scrap".

Oh scrap! I forgot my homework at my house! Mrs. Jones is gonna kill me!

Scrap, I totally just messed up that pick-up line.

I almost ran that red light! Scrap!

by Melissa A. Kekich September 13, 2008

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scrap whistle

That whistle that gang members or a scrap use to identify themselves in a large crowd or over a lengthy distance. This is only done by Mexican gang members.

X used his scrap whistle to find Y at Great America.

by MistahTom June 15, 2006

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Scrap Wrap

Wrapping a gift with random pieces of wrapping paper... usually what's left over from all of your other presents. It usually uses much more tape than a normal wrap job and is always reserved for someone you have a special connection with. Done to the right person, possibly a sibling, it's a plus. To the wrong person, like a girlfriend or wife (unless she's perfect), a definite minus.

At Christmas I always wrap everyone's gifts all nice and tidy then scrap wrap my bro's cause he always puts mine in a brown paper bag and writes my name on it with a sharpie.


Husband: Sorry I scrap wrapped your gift, honey... I ran out of paper this morning.

Wife: It's over, I'm moving in with my sister. And, by the way, I'm sleeping with your best friend!!!

by n!!an December 23, 2010

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scrap metal

1:a shank or other form of homemade weapon
2: heat or gun
3: a knife youre fittin to use on sum niggas

1.yo nigga i got dat scrap metal yall fittin to strap
2. "back up bitch i got dat scrap metal nigga watch dat step"

by green bean28 December 24, 2008

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