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rum fudge

A questionable culinary experiment wherein one first administers a generous portion of rum via rectal infusion, allowing the body’s natural processes to work their mysterious magic, before later harvesting the resulting “fudge”—a substance best left uneaten but occasionally contemplated by the most daring of gastronomic pioneers.

I fancy a Rum Fudge at the airport on Monday morning.

by Felchet February 6, 2025

Chinese hot fudge popsicle

When you apply cat shit to your dong and then proceed to have a girl give you a blow job

I gave Kathy the Chinese hot fudge popsicle last night

by Mmmmm scrumptious July 25, 2019


The act of shitting in your partner's hands and then molding it into a puck-like shape. The event is ending by the couple eating said "fudge-pucks" with great zeal.

Dude... I hope she didn't eat any corn today, chewy fudge-pucks are gross.

by aintnobumblebee January 16, 2011

son of a fudge

a safer way to say son of a bitch

guy: you son of a fudge!

by chreesus jist March 29, 2021

Not-Fudge Sundae

A sundae with a secret turd inside. You top it with chocolate syrup to hide the surprise. It tastes even better with sprinkles. Bon apetit!

It doesn’t have to be April Fool’s Day to give someone a Not-Fudge Sundae.

by Murmage April 7, 2020

fudge fiend

somone who loves fudges

espacially if they are on vacation

"I don't eat fudge much in my daily routine
But on vacation I judge fudge and become a fudge fiend"

by fudge fiend April 10, 2018

pink fudge

When a girl doesn't wipe well, so when you go down on her you get a favor mixture.

Yo did you go down on her?

Yea, I almost vomited cus she got some pink fudge.

by 123asdqsc February 16, 2017